Understanding Thrush Symptoms – You Might Be Surprised
Understanding Thrush symptoms can be difficult. The symptoms of Thrush can be mild, almost unnoticeable at first, or very severe. Sometimes the symptoms are constant day and night and other times they are sporadic, seeming to go away and then return at a later time. Regardless, Thrush is always frustrating and difficult or impossible to get rid of to unless you understand the cause and how to treat it.
Before we discuss Thrush symptoms we need to understand exactly what Thrush is. Thrush is a form of Candida yeast infection. Candida is a naturally occurring yeast that lives within everyone’s body. The body has a natural ability to control the growth of this yeast and prevent the yeast from growing out of control.
Yeast is only a problem when it grows out of control and begins to take over the body. When the body’s natural defenses are weak and unable to fight the overgrowth the yeast cells begin to multiply rapidly. As the yeast growth continues out of control the yeast changes to mold and Thrush symptoms begin to emerge.
Thrush is a term used to refer to a yeast infection in which the symptoms are felt in the mouth and throat. The symptoms of Thrush include white patches on the tongue, inner lips, roof of the mouth, and throat. These patches are often accompanied by mild to moderate pain. The white patches are not always visible when the infection is in the throat. The patches may bleed slightly if they are rubbed or disturbed such as when brushing the teeth. As the infection progresses the patches may spread to the gums, throat, and tonsils.
Since yeast is part of the normal flora in the mouth it ordinarily does not cause symptoms. Certain conditions, such as antibiotic use, can disturb the natural balance of microorganisms in the mouth and allow the overgrowth of Candida to cause Thrush symptoms.
Yeast infections are classified into two general groups, acute or chronic. An acute yeast infection often develops very fast and Thrush symptoms sometimes develop almost overnight. The symptoms (usually white patches and pain) are initially located in only one area of the mouth or throat. The Thrush symptoms may go away if the infection is treated early at this stage and not allowed to spread to other areas of the body.
Thrush can spread from the mouth to other areas of the body. Yeast can grow out of control almost anywhere in the body. Yeast can grow in joints, bones, and muscles and in the tissues of the major organs including the brain and heart. When the infection gets out of control it causes inflammation and the inflammation produces much of the discomfort.
Chronic yeast infection can cause a huge variety of symptoms. Symptoms often change over time, sometimes getting worse and sometimes seeming to improve, as the body fights the infection in one area only to have it take hold and appear in a completely different area of the body. The symptoms will usually become worse and more frequent as time goes on. Because of the wide and confusing variety of symptoms, many chronic yeast infections are totally misunderstood by doctors and go ignored and untreated.
Thrush symptoms may remain steady and predictable for a while and then worsen overnight. One common symptom mentioned by most yeast infection sufferers is an overall general sick feeling. Many people feel they are not really sick but not totally well. If Thrush is allowed to become a chronic yeast infection the symptoms may become so bad that it is impossible to get out of bed.
Thrush will not go away without treatment. While the symptoms may seem to subside but that may be a sign that the infection is spreading to other parts of the body. There are medicines available to relieve the pain of Thrush but these only treat the symptoms. There is no medicine or medication that will treat the basic problem that causes the Thrush.
Don’t worry! There is a simple, natural way to rid the body entirely from Thrush without using these dangerous medicines. That simple plan can be found at YeastFreeLife.com.
There is an easy, inexpensive cure for Thrush. Discover the simple 4-step plan that has permanently eliminated Thrush Symptoms and all signs of yeast infection from over 5,600 women and men without doctors, medicines, or strange diets. Learn the secret by visiting YeastFreeLife.com.