About Nappy Rashes And Their Treatment
Nappy rash is a form of skin inflammation that appears in form of bright red patches on the skin of your baby’s bottom. The condition is common in babies between the ages of 4 and 15 months, especially when the babies begin to eat solids. While the condition can be concerning to the parents and annoying to the babies, most nappy rashes can be treated at home with some simple methods. The condition rarely aggravates into a serious condition requiring prescription medications.
Nappy rash is often associated with infrequent diaper changes (God råd om bleskift is the term in Denmark) , diarrhea and use of plastic pants to cover the nappies. While it is not a sign of neglected care, nappy rashes occur when urine and feces of the baby stay in contact with its skin for prolonged periods of time. Introduction of new foods to babies between the ages of 4 and 12 months can increase the frequency of stools and thereby, increase the risk of a nappy rash. The use of a new brand of disposable diapers or a new diaper cream may also irritate the sensitive skin of your baby. The rash usually goes away by itself once your baby gets used to the new products. The frequency of nappy rash also depends on your baby. Some babies have a more sensitive skin compared to others. The warm and moist skin under the baby’s diaper also promotes the growth of certain bacteria and fungi, which cause inflammation of skin and nappy rash.
Nappy rash (Årsager til baby rød numse is the term in Denmark) is characterized by red, puffy skin and tender skin on the buttocks, thighs and genitals of the baby. You baby may be highly irritable and fussy when suffering from a nappy rash. The condition can be treated easily at home. However, consult a doctor right away if the rash worsens or other symptoms such as fever and blisters start developing. These may be signs of serious infections.
Applying zinc oxide or petroleum jelly containing creams, exposing the affected area to air, and changing the diapers frequently to keep the area dry are some of the best ways to treat nappy rash. You may also clean the area properly and mineral oil to remove sticky stool without hurting your baby. Avoid using soaps or scented wipes on the affected area when the baby has a rash. Avoid using talcum powder or giving boric aci bath during this period.
If the nappy rash does not improve, you doctor may prescribe a mild hydrocortisone cream to treat the condition. Fungal or bacterial infections can be treated with prescription antifungal and antibiotic creams. Never use the over-the-counter antifungal creams on your baby’s skin with talking to a doctor. Follow the instructions of your doctor carefully and complete the full course of the medication.
You may prevent nappy rash by changing the nappies often. You should clean the baby’s bottom each time you change the nappy and pat it dry before putting on the new diaper. Do not over tighten the nappy and give you baby regular breaks from nappies and diapers.