Even a Bad Creditor Can Successfully Avail 12 Month Loans
Have you been turned down the money lending company due to you bad credit rating? You may be glad to know that even a person holding bad credit profile can avail 12 month loans successfully. Although, you may find this too hard to believe, but this is a fact and is possible. Yes, lenders these days have become very flexible when it comes to lending money to the defaulters. However, they do check the present financial status just to make sure if the borrower can repay the amount. Timely repayment is a must in this loan in order avoid any kinds of penalties or late fees.
12 month loans are ideal for people who are in urgent need of cash. This loan can be availed in a short period of time without any hassles. This enables the borrower to take care of his financial needs instantly. Moreover, the borrower has the option to pay the loan amount within the time phase of 12 months without feeling the burden. Thus, the borrower has the time to make their financial condition stable during this period.
No credit check is the best part of the 12 month loans and text payday loans. Irrespective of individual’s credit rating, the individual can apply for the loan without any apprehensions. But it is worth knowing that, if you carry a bad credit rating the rate of interest will be quite high in comparison to the person having good credit score. The rate of interest is high for the bad creditor because of the risk factor involved for the lenders.
The maximum amount that the borrower can receive through 12 month payday loans is £ 1500 depending on need and paying back ability. And the lenders do not have say on the borrowed amount, the borrower are free to use the money the way they like it be it pending debts, home improvement, holidays or any other demands.
In order to avail 12 month loans the borrower has to fulfil simple terms and conditions as decided by the financial institution, those are:
• The loan seeker should be the permanent citizen of the United Kingdom.
• He/ She should not be less than 18 years of age.
• He/ She should be employed in a recognized organisation for at least 6 months.
• He/ She should earn at least £ 1000 per month
• He/ She should hold an active back account for not less than 3 months
If the borrower fulfils the above mentioned criteria then it is not at all a difficult task to get the 12 month loans and text payday loans. The loans seeker has to fill the online form available in the lenders official website. The loan processing takes 24 hours to get approved.