Making Sure That You Get Enough for Care

Another important factor that you have to consider when you’re shopping for an insurance policy for long term care is the long term care insurance benefit period which is the predetermined length of time that you will receive coverage from your policy.

Based on the data of health care providers, elderly people require three years of care on average. However, there are others that receive care over a ten-year period. Unsurprisingly, it’s the healthy lot that gets to live into their 90s and hundreds but there’s a downside to longevity and that is susceptibility to different kinds of geriatric diseases.

To be able to identify the level of care that you will need in the future, visit your doctor and discuss the current state of your health as well as your family’s health history. Your lifestyle will also impact your future health so if you smoke and drink a lot ask your physician what health disorders are you likely to acquire in the future.

Knowing what health threats may befall you is not pessimism at all, it’s simply a way of preparing for your future needs so that you can keep guard over your assets which you intend to pass on to your loved ones.

Braving the cost of care unprepared can lead to many painful consequences. One of them is having to put up with mediocre LTC services which is demeaning especially to individuals who had spent more than half of their lives at the peak of success particularly in the workplace. You can also lose your home and other properties which took you years of hard work to accumulate. However, the most painful consequence that you can ever face is your family having to survive on food stamps and going from one house to another as they do not have a permanent shelter anymore.

All that can be prevented if you plan your future needs carefully. Start by identifying your possible health care requirements, analyzing the cost of care in your area, and computing your total assets so you know how far it can get you.

Long Term Care Insurance Benefit Period

Your benefit period will affect the annual premium of your coverage so you have to check those numbers carefully. Longer benefit periods equate to higher annual premiums while shorter periods would mean lower premium rates.

According to LTCI studies, most individuals whose LTC needs were covered by reimbursement policies have managed to extend their benefit period because they seldom use the entire amount of their daily benefit. For example, the insured’s daily benefit amount is $200 but his daily expenses in a nursing home would usually total to $175 only, so his insurer always has a remainder to throw into his pool of benefits. Upon reaching the end of his coverage period, the aggregate of his unused benefits can still cover a year’s stay in a nursing home.

Owners of indemnity plans can also extend their long term care insurance benefit period if they know how to use their benefits wisely. If you need more advice contact an insurance agent who is authorized to sell LTCI policies in your area.

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