Hair loss: A Modern Evil

Losing hair is a problem which does not discriminate among its victims. It can affect anyone and everyone. It is normal for a person to lose about 30-40 strands of hair on a daily basis. These hairs, like the dried leaves of a tree, are replaced with new ones. Hair loss is a condition where the rate of loss of hair exceeds the rate of growth of new hair strands.

What Causes Hair Fall?

There are numerous reasons which cause hair fall.

  • Pollution: – The increase in the level of pollution in the cities causes hair fall. This is an external factor and can be taken care of.
  • Hectic lifestyle: – Insufficient sleep, skipping meals, stress and tension can also lead to loss of hair. It can be effectively dealt with by meditating in order to de-stress the mind.
  • Heredity: – The rate of growth of hair depends on a person’s genetic make. There is not much that can be done to correct this.
  • Illness: – Sometimes a prolonged illness and/or its treatment can lead to loss of hair. This can be taken care of once the treatment is over. Women tend to lose a lot of hair during pregnancy and childbirth. Some changes in the diet, such as including iron and protein, can also help remedy the situation.

Demystifying Hair loss

  • Hair loss is considered irreversible. It is so, in some cases, but in others there are a lot of ways to reverse it and have a healthy hair growth.
  • Plucking of hair strands does not stop hair growth.
  • One cannot help the process of hair growth by shaving the scalp.

What to Do?

As soon as the signs of hair loss are detected, one should consult a professional dermatologist. If it is detected early enough then the process can be reversed and complete success guaranteed.


There are several ways to check hair fall. Some of them are listed below——-

  • Scalp Massage:- Sometimes the lack of blood flow to the hair follicles can result in hair fall. So a regular scalp massage can solve the problem.
  • Balanced diet:- A major cause of hair fall is the lack of a balanced diet. One should always include plenty of protein and vitamin in the diet.
  • Medicines: There are some medicines which cause hair fall. In such a situation, one should consult a physician and have them replaced with another that serves the same purpose but without the side effect.
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