How to homeschool High School when traveling
If you are one of those lucky people who get an opportunity to do some globetrotting – perhaps for up to a year – should you be concerned about “losing” the academic time with your homeschool high school student? And how can you keep up in challenging courses like math and science?
I believe you can’t prevent a child from learning. Traveling will teach them enormous amounts that you simply can’t learn from books! And you know, unschoolers succeed all the time. How much more will you have the ability to succeed if you are unschooling across the globe? Go for it! It is going to be an excellent educational fun, and an experience not to be missed! Just expose your children to information all along the way. As you travel, have them read books on each area, as well as learn some of the language. Learn naturally as you go along. The year will NOT be lost – it will enrich you and your children, and make them a more interesting college applicant!
I can make a couple of suggestions. If you are going to travel for an extended time, consider taking a math book. If you can encourage your kids to be consistent with math, it will help YOU to feel like the year isn’t wasted. It’s pretty easy to accumulate 3 science credits for high school even if you take a year off. Math skills, on the other hand, tend to be lost if they aren’t used. If you have them do a little bit of math every day, it might help them to retain that information. Even if they just do a couple of problems, it can help keep those skills! If they are working at a high school level in math, consider getting an SAT work book, and just doing a few math problems each day.
My second suggestion is to take a journal. Having your kids write their experiences every day can help solidify their learning. It will provide daily practice with writing, and give you a place to record everything they did and learned. When it comes time for a transcript, you can read over those activities, and catalog them into different classes. It will help you estimate the hours spent on each course, which will help you with determining the credit value.
Understand more concerning how to homeschool. Pay a visit to that contains detailed details on homeschooling resources that will help to know more on your youngster’s education and learning.