The Need for a Bathroom Designer in Creating a Spa-Like Refuge

A bathroom renovation can seem exciting, with many luxury schemes providing interesting ways to create a personal spa environment. Creating that ultimate bathroom, though, can be a bigger challenge than one might expect. There are many factors affecting bathroom design projects that may be out of the comfort zone for the typical do-it-yourself decorating enthusiast. In such cases, a bathroom designer can provide an excellent means of obtaining that sanctuary bathroom without causing monumental plumbing and structural damage in the process. The bathroom designer may be skilled in all aspects of interior decor, but especially focuses on bathroom related issues.

One of the predominant trends in bathroom decor is the incorporation of oversized bath and shower fixtures. In some cases, homeowners aim for a giant Jacuzzi bathtub as the center piece. In others, an oversized tub and separate shower are desired in place of traditional combined tub and shower. It’s not always possible to put oversized fixtures in a traditional bathroom, and in many homes even the master bathroom is limited in space. A bathroom designer can assess the project parameters and quickly arrive at a determination as to whether the project is feasible and whether serious structural change must take place to accomplish the decorative goals.

In some cases, a homeowner may have to reassess decorative goals in order to find a look that will fit with the existing bathroom. This is particularly true if the budget available for the remodeling project is limited, leaving little room for structural changes. This may also be true if one’s home is part of a regulated community in which adding on to a house is strictly prohibited. Such renovations may also be limited in apartment and condominium settings. Building codes may make a difference in one’s ability to obtain permission for structural change. A bathroom designer will be able to provide insight into what is achi eva ble and what won’t be accepted.

The good news in such situations is that working with an experienced bathroom designer will allow an individual to become aware of different options than they may have considered previously. The bathroom designer will be able to offer suggestions and approaches to achieving the luxury of a spa environment without having to tear down and rebuild walls.

The homeowner that does have the option of extending the bathroom space through the merging of rooms or adding on to the exterior of the home will need the experience and assistance of a bathroom designer, as well. Any structural change to the home’s walls, plumbing, and wiring will involve architectural services, and the bathroom designer will be able to work with trusted professionals to obtain needed permits and to arrange the performance of tasks at various stages of the project.

In some cases, the entire staff needed to accomplish such projects may be housed within a single company, with architects, bathroom designers and other design professionals, and contractors providing a unified approach to home decor, design and renovation. Working with such a firm will often provide optimum results for complicated bathroom renovations.

In a hurried world it’s important to have time to rest and recover from the demands that can easily drain strength and determination. A luxury bathroom provides a relaxing place for a homeowner to unwind and relieve stress. Creating the ultimate bathroom can be an exciting challenge, especially when a skilled bathroom designer is involved in the creative and practical processes.

Lily Candice is regular article writer at London based Bathroom Designer Company – Global Interior Design

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