Treat Gastric problem with herbal remedies

Food is broken into several molecules during the process of digestion, which is used by the body to fuel itself. But sometimes food does not completely break and food remnants in semi digestive state start fermenting after making their way into the large intestine.

Billions of starving bacteria or natural “intestinal fauna” present in everybody’s large intestine produces a variety of gases including methane, hydrogen and hydrogen sulfide as by-products of the fermentation process. These vapors are intestinal gasses. This gastric problem leads to stomach bloating until it leaves the body through the anus.

Gas problem is common amongst human and lands many in uncomfortable and embarrassing situation. However, one can effectively treat these problems through home remedies.

Herbal and natural remedies for gastric problems

Many herbal and homeopathic treatments with specific ingredients have helped in promoting digestive function and have also shown good results in treatment of intestinal gas. Try them at your home to lower the intestinal gas.

1. Carom seeds are beneficial natural remedies for gas problem. Consume one teaspoon of Carom seeds with a pinch of salt on regular basis and the gastritis symptoms will soon vanish.

2. Ginger is effective treatment for intestinal gas and also used in curing several health problems. It is good to chew a piece of fresh ginger before meals. The medicinal feature boosts the digestion and prevents gastritis.

3. Coconut water is best natural remedies for intestinal gas. It can bring stomach to normal condition in short span of time.

4. Carrot and spinach juices are also highly beneficial in treating gastritis. Extract 200 ml spinach juice with 300 ml carrot juice and consume it daily.

5. People suffering from gastritis are recommended to take sponge bath and dry friction daily.

6. You can also get relief by applying hot compresses or a hot bottle of water on your empty stomach daily. This will treat gastritis in effective manner.

7. Potatoes can also cure gastritis. Squeeze potatoes to obtain a half a cup of potato juice and have it before meals.

8. Lemon juice also possesses curative properties.

9. You should boil a cup of water and add a tsp of licorice tea. Strain this tea and to drink to witness magical changes.

10. Tamarind water mixed with cumin water and asafetida when consumed on regular basis help in getting rid of gastritis permanently.

11. Take six parts of Sprague powder with one part of black salt and have this with of warm water on routine basis. This mixture can be mixed with curd and half gm of black salt for getting rid of intestinal gas.

12. Roasted fennel when eaten after every meal can provide great relief from gastritis.

13. After removing the seeds of a dry grape and roll a piece of garlic in it. Take this remedy on regular basis for getting relief from gastric problem.

Know more about causes, symptoms and treatment options of gastric problem, or gas problem on online health guide- Also know about other digestive health problems and its treatment options.

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