Overcome Translation Woes with Website Translation Software
Times have changed from the period when different societies of the world lived a secluded life, with little knowledge of what happened in other culture societies. If at all, they heard anything at all it would be days, weeks or even months after the occurrence of the actual event or incident. However, today the advent of the Internet and its paraphernalia has transformed the world completely. The Internet has made it possible for different civilizations to come together. It has created a network for people belonging to different races, cultures, societies and civilizations to communicate. The Internet has definitely bridged the cultural, linguistic and geographical boundaries that once existed in the minds of the people.
The Internet and the new media have provided a platform for people around the world to share their ideas, opinions and thoughts about any subject under the sun. Irrespective of where they are located, people can voice their opinions through blogs, community boards, podcasts, websites, and other user-generated media. As Howard Rheingold points out “People in virtual communities use words on screens to exchange pleasantries and argue, engage in intellectual discourse, conduct commerce, make plans, brainstorm, gossip, feud, fall in love, create a little high art and a lot of idle talk.” That is to say, because of the Internet and the new media people can do anything and everything irrespective of where they are located and what language they speak.
Though on one hand, the Internet has made it possible for people to transcend geographical boundaries and eliminate cultural differences to express themselves, it has on the other hand has added pressures on the companies owning website to come up with a solution to make content available in multiple languages quickly and profitably. The success of any website depends on attracting and retaining of site visitors as more visits means more revenue for the company who owns the website. Hence, it is highly essential to ensure that the content is translated accurately into multiple languages in near real time. Moreover, today’s community content is what that drives markets and global buying decisions. People’s purchasing decisions largely depend on the ratings and reviews of the consumers. This makes it even more necessary to invest in a translation technology that can translate comments and new content into multiple languages in quick time.
Depending on human translators alone would not be a feasible option as the translators would not be able to match quantity with quality. Either quantity or quality would suffer in the process which is something unacceptable in today’s competitive environment. With millions of pages to be translated into multiple languages, companies who own websites must deploy online language translation software if they want to post the content shortly after it is received.
Another factor that necessitates the need of localization software is that most of the content is loosely structured and is often full of grammatical errors, spelling mistakes and colloquial phrases. For human translators, it would be quite a big challenge to overcome but for the website translation software, it is a quite an easy challenge simple challenge to overcome.
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