Information about Family Therapy

The family is a unit that is very vulnerable in the society and it influences the personality of its members. Special approach is important for every family depending on the crisis at hand. Family therapy is among the branches of psychotherapy and is aimed at increasing closeness among the members so that the issues that they are facing can be solved with ease. When a family member is facing issues associated with the society, psychological and physical issues, the family is the best source of strength, according to therapists. In some cases, people try to sort out the issues personally.

With family therapy, the participation of other family members is allowed in finding a solution. These collaborations are useful to family members that participate during the therapy because they are involved in coming up with workable solutions to eliminate the problems more when major life stresses are involved.

Today it easy to find therapy books and such books are bestsellers. This is because most of the relationships are in a crisis although the marriages are still intact. The level of communication between most couples is poor which leads to unhappiness. When the communication is of good quality, the relationship is also healthy. Having good communication is more important than having same opinions or other solutions that the family has. According to family therapy, good communication is very important in the family.

Many are resulting to family therapy (nyttige parterapi is the term used in Denmark) and knowing when it is necessary and important. One of the important issues that can make the family members require therapy is the case of multiple personality disorder. Through the therapy, the members will learn about the disability of their relative and how they can cope best with the issue. At home a family faces problems related to the generation gap for example between parents and grandparents or grandparents and children. When the social norms are absent for example with gay parents which affects the place of the family in the society, often the use of family therapy is needed.

There are members of families for whom adjusting to the environment is not easy for example when they are from mixed marriages, when there is rivalry between siblings, and in cases of blended families.

On the other hand, there are situations where family therapy must be avoided for example if both or one of the parents is psychotic or has paranoid or antisocial issues with their personality. Avoid the therapy when there are some members with inability to take part for example due to illness. There are some families whose religious or cultural backgrounds conflict with psychotherapy in terms of values.

There are some families for which engaging in the counselling (0r as we Danes call it effektive familierÄdgivning)is impossible because of having a personality structure that is rigid which can cause psychological or emotional crisis. There are also families whose members are not available during treatment every time. The therapy must also be avoided with families that are about to break. Note that the therapy for the whole family is a form of treatment that is generally short-term.

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