Counterfeit Detection: Protect Trademark and Copyright Online

Manufacturers today are well equipped with technological innovation to reap maximum revenue benefits, but are   crippled by the challenges set forth by counterfeiters and fraudsters. This illicit activity has been critically looked into, with a number of enterprises working out methods to prevent, protect against or avoid counterfeiting.


Counterfeit products with substandard quality pose a great threat to health and safety of consumers as well as loss of revenue to the enterprise and manufacturers. Besides, counterfeiting has a long lasting and negative impact on innovation and brand reputation as this channelizes a part of the organizational revenue to groups working on this organized crime. Further, the counterfeiting activities tend to corrupt and disrupt the actions of copyright laws, patents and trademark that promote development, innovation and growth.


However, it might sound   easy to differentiate a counterfeit article from the authentic one, but with counterfeiters becoming smarter, it requires a detailed analysis by brand manufacturers to determine the authenticity of a product, hence this is becoming a more challenging task.  Manufacturers today are deploying counterfeit detectionmethods at different levels of their supply chains as a means of providing added protection to their branded products.


Certain markets represent real danger to welfare of consumers; especially ones those that are either ingested or come in contact with skin such as pharmaceuticals, food, cosmetics, toiletries etc.


Brand owners of the pharmaceutical industry need to look into their product authentication process. Hence, they employ in-house forensic scientists to ensure their brand reputation. For the textile industry, counterfeited pesticide tainted fibers will override the integrity of natural fibers which will not only effect the quality but also revenue. The electronic industry is the most affected with counterfeiting issues being prevalent since a very long time.


To protect their trademarks, industries have taken steps to qualify vendors who are reliable. This procedure when adopted will help prevent unwanted operators fromentering the supply chain. To further secure the business and products against malicious threats organizations need to implement dependable anti counterfeiting solutions to track and monitor in real-time and control the illegitimate activities as well as provide the organizations with legal enforcement measures to uproot such illegitimate operations.


Understandings that the Internet plays the vital role both for the consumer as well as   the criminal organization, brand owners need to protect their intellectual property and build controls in the products life cycle. The leaders in the service sector have designed and developed online brand protection solutions to identify the counterfeiters and protect trademark and copyright online.


The solutions besides being cost saving are very effective in counterfeit detection and help organization opportunities to rebuild brand reputation. With consistent real-time monitoring and online reporting of activities, these solutions help the business leaders to make accurate and quick decisions while imposing strict measures against the violators and their operations.


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