How Do I Get My Ex Back? Dirty Psychological Tricks
Surviving a break-up is hard for a soul in complete pain. The pain is there, no matter who broke up, you or your partner. Sure, love does have its pros and cons, but what you need to know right now is that love had always been there in your relationship. Love is a magical thing. There is no way of getting your ex back with one one call, although you ended it with one. What you have to do now if you want to get your ex back is follow some steps and you might get your ex back in your arms within some days, weeks or months. Of course most of us will take this chance.
First, after an informal break up, usually including several petty fights and a chaotic battle of harsh words, you should calm yourself down. Feel all the hurt and let out all the tears. Crying and feeling the hurt and pain will help you to calm down faster. Then call your ex. Let her or him know that your are doing fine with the break up; talk about your break up and your feelings on the phone. And if he or she doesn’t answer it, write a letter explaining that everything that happened on that day was fine by you. Then show him or her that you can live life happily even without him or her. This is a psychological tactic designed to make the other party think about you more because immediately after the break up, he or she is certainly missing you.
After the first step, your ex would most certainly be thinking of you, of how he or she had hurt you. Fights are normal for couples – they make the relationship even stronger. Take time to think about the reason for your last fight (may be your last fight was on the break up day).
So do loving couples fight to hurt one another? Fights always have a deeper sense of meaning to couples, an underlying love for one another. Take time to track the other party’s moves and have a face to face meeting.
Start being friends again with no intimacy – emotional or phsysical. You should keep everything very casual. It may take some time and some “accidental meetings”, however, after a while his or her feelings will explode and he or she wants to get you back.
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