Hospital pagers using SMS Message to Increase Communication

Advanced Hospital pagers that now use SMS text messaging to cell phones are used as virtual queue management systems for ancillary or outpatient services. Text based hospital pagers are being utilized as a vital communication tool between staff, doctors and patients. The advantages of hospital text pager with a virtual queue management system are:


  • Highly effective for instant concise communication
  • 90% of the population has a cell phone
  • Reduces or eliminates anxiety associated with waiting
  • Text messages are read instantly by receivers assuring quick response
  • Low technology acquisition costs and maintenance
  • Freedom – Patients / families are not tethered to the waiting room


Hospitals are huge service based entity, providing communities with core health care services including acute care to chronic disease management. Immediate and instant communication to staff and families is a critical component of quality service delivery. Today’s SMS hospital pagers systems are highly effective communication and patient satisfaction tools. Hospital reimbursement will be tied to a hospital’s performances and patient access and satisfaction are core measures.  No one likes to wait and with today’s advanced hospital pager systems they can incorporate virtual queuing as well digital displays to manage waiting room wait times, shorten waits and reduce anxiety.


The Hospital pager systems started in the 1950, and were initially used by doctors in New York. This paging device was mainly designed for communicating among the hospital staffs, during the emergency situations. But as of now, the Hospital pager systems are used for communicating with the waiting patients. SMS text pagers are the latest generation is hospital and patient pager technology. Next generation of take a number systems are using SMS text messaging to create a virtual take a number system using the customer’s cell phone. The patient need not wait at the waiting room, they can have move about campus, until they are notified by text message to their cell pone that it’s there turn. The Patient based Hospital pagers increases patient flows, reduces congested waiting rooms and increases satisfaction among patients and families.


SMS text based Hospital pagers are rarely affected by the signal problems, as it is only for sending and receiving the texts, which require less signal strength to send and receive then placing a voice call.  There are many benefit of using this Hospital Pagers. The Out patients now need not wait for hours together in long queues, for their appointment with the doctor. The waiting rooms will be less crowded, which means less chance for spread of contagions.

Fulcrum Design, LLc, developed the industry leading mobile queue management system, Hospital pagers and Patient pagers system. Founded in 2001 as a business consulting and technology firm head quartered in Glastonbury, Connecticut, Fulcrum Design specializes in custom application development serving the hospitality, higher education, entertainment and health care industries.

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