Working of the Take Number Systems
Providing customer service was never so easy before, as they had to wait in the long tiring queues. Now, the latest Take number systems dispenser allows flexibility to both the customers and the organizations. The customers can now be served quicker and faster in an efficient way as the latest Take number systems are providing a relaxed feature to them. The machine is easy and simple to read and the display board is so huge with large fonts that even aged people will not face any problems.
The Take number systems are priced economically and can be set up easily. The system will provide the customers an organized and fair approach of waiting; they can browse or do any work while waiting, without the requirement to defend in their position. Next generation of take a number systems are using SMS text messaging to create a virtual take a number system using the customer’s cell phone. The system even has got several lines, In case the customers need several services, through different windows, the Take number systems can manage all these windows with one single system. They are also called as take a ticket or clear q system or take a turn. The system comes with a ticket dispenser which can either be a floor based one or the wall fixed ones, generally the wall based are found in the banks and various service centers. This system will have a proper control of the customer flow. This system comes with a display board, dispenser machine, tickets and of course the controller. On pressing a button at the machine, a ticket comes out denoting the customer wait number.
The working of the Take number systems are something like this: Each of the terminal would display the current number which is being served at the selected counter, the terminal display will now display the called customer wait number, and the service button will chose the service to acknowledge. The open and close button will now enable or disable the terminal from accepting the customers, while the counter is closed, the services will automatically be diverted to the other counter, each of the workstation will have the LCD display with a control set keys. The display board will display the customer number which is being served, they type of service being rendered, the waiting time frame, number of waiting customers, the open and close status and the message of the supervisors/managers.
The control option will function to control the succeeding customer number, the type of service selected, and the open or close counter terminal and enter or save new choice. The printer functions with the help of an assistant, who will select the service, and turn the knob to the opted service and print out the ticket. The print copy will have details of the time, date, service code, customer number; company name, any other required information and the projected waiting time period. The recall button of the take number systems will allow for re entering of a number, if the customer had not turned up on calling, this way, the customer will not miss out their chance.
Fulcrum Design, LLc, developed the industry leading mobile queue management system and Take Number Systems. Founded in 2001 as a business consulting and technology firm head quartered in Glastonbury, Connecticut, Fulcrum Design specializes in custom application development serving the hospitality, higher education, entertainment and health care industries.