RapidSSL Wildcard: A Secure Solution for Unlimited Sub-Domains
The RapidSSL Wildcard Certificate is a 128/256-bit SSL Certificate. RapidSSL.com owns the root to issue its RapidSSL Certificate, making it a stable SSL offering. RapidSSL is already present in the IE 5.01+, Netscape 4.7+ and Monzila1+ browsers, along with many other Windows and Mac browsers.
Secure an unlimited number of sub domains on the same domain name. With a Wildcard SSL certificate issued to *.yourdomain.com you could protect:
Without the need for multiple SSL certificates ensuring that RapidSSL Wildcard is the Best Value in single root Wildcard SSL Certificates!
Delivered in minutes, installed in seconds
RapidSSL Wildcard is a 128 / 256 bit single root SSL certificate. RapidSSL.com owns the root used to issue RapidSSL certificates making it a stable SSL offering. RapidSSL is already present in the IE 5.01+, Netscape 4.7+ and Mozilla 1+ browsers and many other new Windows and Mac based browsers.
RapidSSL Wildcard Certificates have browser recognition of around 99% and are ideal for websites conducting low volume / low value ecommerce transactions.
If your transaction volume and value warrants an SSL certificate from a known brand, or you require advanced site seal technology, please refer to our Professional Level SSL certificates section.
Trusted by 99% of browsers
RapidSSL Wildcard Features
- Life time Reissue FREE!
- Multiple Sub-domain supported (*.domainnanme.com)
- Single root certificate FREE!
- Issued in minutes, installed in seconds!
- The lowest cost single root install SSL certificate available
- Immediate SSL certificate issuance 24/7/365
- Multi-year savings available – 1 to 5 year certs available
- Automated two step online validation – no paperwork
- $5,000 warranty
- 99% browser recognition rate, no chained installation
- Strong 128 / 256 bit encryption, industry standard SSL
- FREE “Secured by RapidSSL” site seal
- Risk free: 30 day refund and reissue policy
RapidSSL Wildcard Supports
- Domains Secured Single FQDN Domain
- Issuance Speed issued in minutes
- Online Validation
- No paper work required!
- Encryption Strength 128 to 256 bit
- Browser Compatibility 99%
- Site Seal RapidSSL Secure Site Seal FREE!
- Re-issue Life Time FREE!
- Root SSL Single Root Equifax SSL
TheSSLStore is the Well Known RapidSSL Wildcard provider & Platinum Partner of major SSL brands For any questions or information about TheSSLStore, please visit https://www.thesslstore.com/