Remove clouded vision. Get cataract surgery.
A clouding of the lens in your eye, which obfuscates your sight, is called a cataract. The lense of our eye behaves just like the lense of a camera. It’s situated behind the iris, which is the colour part of our eye. The lights we see, the colours, and shapes are focused on to the retina by this very lens, after which the images are sent to the brain. For the purpose of receiving a sharp and clear image of the objects we see, we need to have a clear lens, just like as in the a camera. When the lens has been befogged by the cataract, the image seen is blurred.
Increased exposure to sunlight, smoking, excessive intake of alcohol, and other personal habits and environmental factors are said to be responsible for cataract. These are just some speculated reasons. Otherwise, in most of the cases, up to 90 % of the cases in fact, the cataract is a cause of ageing.
In the case of cataract, you fail to be able to see images sharply or clearly. Vision at night becomes impaired. It is a condition in which contact lenses or glasses cannot help mostly. People think it might be a film over the eye which can be dealt with by diet or laser. But it is best to remove it by the cataract surgery. Of course before any measure is taken, your personal doctor must be contacted. The cataract removal surgery involves removing the old blurred lens, and putting an artificial lens in its place.
Eventually vision will degenerate and the cloud in your eye might increase in size. This may be hampering your vision even more. All the signs of cataract are blurred vision, poor vision at night, faded colours in everything, double or multiple images in one eye, a halo appearing around lights etc. If you suffer from frequent changes in your prescription of glasses or contact lenses that also might be a sign.
Cataract surgery is performed with local anaesthesia, meaning though you will be awake during the surgery, you will not feel any sensation in the eye.
You must be careful with your eyes, as they are very precious.
Adam Charles is an author of this article and writes about Cataract Surgery To know more about this term, please visit