
ects on our children. Thus begins a lifetime journey to dependency on prescription drugs, which, of course, is of significant benefit to the medical profession and the manufactures of prescription drugs.

The focus of this article is dealing with the neglected issue of Indoor Air Quality rather that the medical issue of treating symptoms but one type of medication that is becoming all too common, is treating asthma with drugs like albuterol. First of all, little regard is given to drug dosage in childhood pediatrics. A general half-teaspoon dose is prescribed for most toddlers in the range of 2-4 years old regardless of sex, size, body weight or level of activity. This is common with almost every drug, as the industry finds it too costly to include those parameters in research studies prior to approval.

If you even casually explore forums dedicated to parents with toddlers prescribed albuterol, you will be alarmed at the number who report horrible side-effects such as an out-of-control, irritable personality, totally contrary to the unmedicated one. Behavior becomes disruptive and unfocused and it results in ADD-like symptoms. These symptoms later get misdiagnosed in preschool and many parent then turn to Ritalin to treat these new symptoms.

Then the sedated Ritalin children later gets diagnosed as depressed and so starts the move to anti-depressants type drugs. Most parents only have to think back to their own childhood and recall the absence of classroom disruptive behavior, unmotivated, drugged children and the teen suicide and crime increases.

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