Hair Loss in Men: The Reasons Behind & Ultimate Solution
The kind of world we are living in today is very very fast and so much rushing that we don’t have any time for us or our body elements, hair being one of them. With so much pollution, an irregular lifestyle that includes living night life and eating junk things is considered to be the topmost reasons behind hair loss in men. In addition, exposure to external agents round the day is also assumed to have a drastic effect on the scalp leading to hair loss. Explained below are some of the main reasons that trigger the amount of hair depletion.
Bad blood circulation in the veins:
For each and every part of the body to exist or function in a normal way, a clean and continuous blood circulation is responsible. But as you have seen that mostly old age people or patients suffering from poor blood circulation normally lose up their hair and go bald. Whenever the blood circulation in veins is not proper, you do not get the sufficient amount of nutrients and vital proteins that is required by the hair follicles to grow and sustain.
Influence of the external agents:
There is no denying the fact that our basic necessities that includes air and water have severely been affected by pollution. Apart from that with our busy lifestyle the hair follicles and scalp have to face these external agents like saline water, dusty air and the harmful UV rays of the sun. Constant exposure to such makes really a severe effect leading to hair loss in men.
Both these factors augment the growth of DHT that is an hormone that prevents the growth of hairs.
Solution to Hair loss
First and foremost recommendation to all the men who are losing their silky long hair would be stop following a ruthless lifestyle, eat less junk, avoid alcohol and always eat balanced diet to increase the growth of hair. Besides, you can also use Provillus hair loss treatment products that are specially made from natural herbs and products that stops the growth of DHT in the body and combat loss of hair in men.