Get the maximum speed with the minimum torque

Geo transmissions are known for their 3 speed automatic transmission, where the first gear delivers maximum torque and the minimum speed for starting the ignition. The third gear allows maximum speed with minimum torque. Through a pair of reduction gear sets, the first gear coordinates the engine power to the drive wheels. This enables it to give increased power and reduced wheel speed when the car is in motion. The gear ratio of Geo transmission is around 4:1. The rebuilt or used Geo transmission allows the gear ratio to be adjusted as per convenience. To maneuver each driving situation, the automatic transmission is in the drive train of the car. What the drive train does is, mobilise power to the engine and vary the amount of torque. Like every other mechanism, the transmission comes in with its own set of problems. When the transmission needs to be changed, the car gives out various indications like emitting strange noises and leaking liquid.

So before you indulge (invest) your hard earned cash in used Geo transmissions, make sure it is in perfect working order. It wil mean saving your money which is always a prudent idea. If you wish to check out some reliable stores from where you can pick up used Geo transmissions, here are a few reputable names: SWEngines, ASAP or online stores like junkyarddog or automotix. The price of a used Geo transmission is comparatively lesser than the first hand ones but running a survey and comparing prices is a good idea before parting with the cash.

Icelenejospin has worked in the auto industry. She has done extensive into buying Used Geo Transmission .

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