Resolve and Fix Oversized PST ‘Cannot Start Outlook’ Issue

Outlook 2002 and its earlier verison’s PST files doesn’t support data over than 2 GB. If the file size exceeds, then user might receive error messages while accessing and loading any file of 2GB or more, after getting which you cannot save more data or file to that existing PST file. To overcome from this issue and to tackle the errors related to oversized PST file, you need to split PST file into small segment with the help of Crop Utility.

Microsoft Outlook stop accepting or sending any data after reaching the file size limit that is 2 GB. And hence you may face problem regarding mail sending/receiving operations, creating calendars, saving any tasks or notes and more and you may find an issue or can say error message on your Windows screen stating that ‘Cannot Start Outlook’ that the same time. In order remove number of unused data from and to tackle over sized PST problem, you can also prefer to third party PST Splitter Tool that suggest and perform to reduce overall PST size in safe and secure manner.

The main cause behind such an issue is that that Outlook 2003 to Outlook 2007 versions assist Unicode file format and that can be support over 20 GB of data in it. But where as Outlook 2002 and its earlier version supports other ANSI format that carries only 2GB of data in tis PST file and thus this lead in error or issues, occurring on the Microsoft Outlook.

To tackle the issues and errors just split PST file otherwise this may tend to data loss condition. Here are some of the helpful ways available that can help you in finishing risks and complication related to Outlook PST file size:

  1. Upgrade Outlook file format according to Outlook 2003 or higher version format.
  2. Use Crop utility to split PST file

If the problem persists and you are facing problem in accessing your emails and attachments from PST file, in such situation, you should use third party Splitter Tool to obtain smaller .pst files with Outlook safely. This software offers easy and interactive interface that is really workable to tackle PST oversized issues in very less time.

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