Bulk SMS Messaging – New Wave in Marketing




Every mobile phone user has used short messaging services also known as SMS. SMS service is available with every service provider worldwide. Some people send a very few SMS per day while there are others who send hundreds of SMS per day. The business world quickly realise the potential uses of bulk SMS messaging or bulk text messaging as a marketing tool. Bulk SMS messaging can be used to give SMS alerts, for marketing of new products/services or to share information as well as for other unorthodox uses.

1) SMS alerts

SMS alerts have at times been a person’s friend as well as at times been a foe. Businesses use bulk SMS messaging software to send SMS alerts to their customers. SMS alerts for bank balance, ATM withdrawal, recent activities on ones credit card, payment of instalment on a loan, payment on due utility bills, etc are just some of the useful alerts which are sent everyday by companies to their existing customers. At times the bombardment of advertisement from various insurance companies, online shopping portals, unwanted offers from your service providers, etc. does irritate many people.

2) Marketing of new products/services

Bulk text messaging has been useful in sending numerous SMS to existing as well as potential customers at a low cost. Many a times the first customers targeted by companies are their existing clientele. Whether it is the new product which they have introduced into the market or an upgrade available on their existing one, the existing database of phone numbers can easily be linked to the bulk SMS messaging software and sent quickly to all. Various job portals send bulk SMS to people describing the various services on offer, similarly real estate sites send SMS regarding the properties available, thus numerous products and services are marketed to a greater number of people via bulk text messaging.

3) Sharing Information

On numerous occasions, immediate warnings have to be sent out to people in the affected areas. Governments in many countries have also started using bulk SMS messaging as a tool to warn its citizens about any natural calamities like tsunami, tornadoes, severe weather, etc. In many countries, politicians have used bulk text messaging software for campaigning during elections. While NGOs use it to press an important message such as fighting against corruption, staying away from drugs, or helping a person in need. Bulk text messaging has made it possible to get the word around quicker.

4) Unorthodox uses of Bulk Text Messages

Bulk text messages are used by various colleges, universities and schools for taking attendance as well as for distribution of grades scored on test. In the work place, bulk SMS messaging is useful to send important updates to various people involved in a project, especially when the concerned personnel are spread geographically throughout the country. Bulk SMS messaging is also useful to allocate a person’s interview number or the number of waiting for a doctor’s check up. This service can also be used in restaurants to place orders quickly.

The uses of SMS alerts, bulk SMS and text messaging are numerous and endless. This new tool brings into picture so many new ways to communicate with people and get work done faster. The best part is that it is cheaper than the traditional ways like ads on TV, magazines, periodicals or flyers.






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