Get Rid Of Errors Have Been Detected In The File Issue Of MS Outlook

Microsoft outlook application is used for several kinds of purpose such as for sending email, receiving mails as well as for storing other kinds of data such as contacts, calenders, making notes etc. Basically, outlook application stores all data in a PST file in .pst file format. Although, Microsoft outlook is one of the best application developed by Microsoft corporation but being a software application it is not safe and secure as user think. Many times users encounters error message while using this application. One of the common error message is written below:

  • Errors have been Detected in the File
  • Errors have been detected in the file xxxx.pst

If yo are receiving this error message then take a look here. Here you will know how to fix this issue. But before this, have a look the reasons of this error:

Causes of Errors have been detected in the file error of outlook:

  • The header of pst file is damaged
  • Sometimes this error is caused due to corrupted or damaged pst file.

Now the main question is that how to sort out this issue. If you want to fix this issue, then you need to follow some steps which is advised here.

How to fix Errors have been detected in the file error of outlook:

If this error is causing due to corrupted pst header file then you need to repair it first. Because, when user try to open files in outlook application then it first read the header party and verify it information. If verification fails then these types of error message comes on the computer screen. In case if there is something wrong with the pst file mean if pst file is corrupted then use in-built inbox repair tool and repair the corrupted or damaged pst file. The inbox repair tool is also known as scanpst.exe. Fix Errors have been detected in the file xxxx.pst error using scanpst.exe. This tool is also able to fix archive pst corrupt file.

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