Making money online

Internet has proved to be a boon for our world by opening up a plethora of possibilities for the entire population. Before its prevalence, even accessing any kind of information was a gigantic and time consuming task for anybody. Now operating the internet has become such an integral part of a daily human life, that its absence usually makes us extremely uncomfortable or even hysterical in some instances. What in its infancy was a vast information system, slowly evolved into prominent communication medium, luring advertisers and businessmen to take full advantage of it in order to reach consumers.
Individual ideators have devised smart ways to gain monetary benefits out of this situation. One of the most common ways by which individuals make extensive use of the internet apart from net surfing is the maintenance of blogs. Many a popular blogs have a very high readership which numbers up to a few millions, thus presenting marketers a great opportunity to reach mass markets for a variety of products. These marketers buy spaces from the bloggers on their web pages, many a times on a pay per click basis, whereby each time a visitor on a blog clicks on an advertisements, the blogger earns some amount.
Professionals like freelance writers, photographers, web content developers, web designers, etc, come in handy for companies for the creation and renovation of their websites, which are an instrumental means of image management and communication for them. These professionals are in constant demand and tend to receive attractive remuneration for each individual project they pick up. However, there is immense competition in the market for such projects and to establish one’s name, meticulous understanding of the clients’ requirements is essential in order to deliver immaculate work. In fact, many a companies pay individual bloggers to provide their valued opinions and values on their products which seem genuine to the readers and trigger their interest in the products. Such a practice is common for a variety of products like consumer electronics, automobiles, personal care products, cosmetics, etc.
E-commerce businesses have gained a strong foothold over the past decade and the Indian e-commerce industry alone was estimated to have reached a mark of 47000 crores, retail sales or e-tailing accounting for 8% of the total market. E-tailing mainly comprises of online auctioning and sales of merchandise like apparel, books, CDs, electronics, etc. With increasing internet penetration levels and availability of well known auctioning sites like E-Bay, Amazon, etc, it has become very easy for anyone to sell their own merchandise to a large number of customers across the globe. It provides an excellent opportunity for small and medium size businesses selling consumer products, to expand their customer base. But they have to ensure excellent sales services to the customer, otherwise it would spoil the consumer experience, resulting in a negative perception about the seller.
Another potential way of making money online is domain flipping whereby, people register for and buy particular domain names in order to sell them for a higher price later. Other methods include participation in paid surveys; affiliate advertising, i.e. selling any company’s products and receiving commission for it; posting regularly on various forums.

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