Hiring Attorneys for Divorce in Boyertown, PA

Separation from your spouse is not an easy matter, one has to go through a number of paper work apart from the entire process of divorce. This process is generally not as simple as just two signatures on a piece of paper, which is why it is advisable to hire an attorney for divorce in Boyertown, PA. There are a variety of claims that will have to be considered based on whether there is a child involved, the property, and many more.

The relationship and the type of disagreements that the couple are in will form the basis of the division of the assets and the debt, which also happens to be the most difficult and the most dreaded part of a divorce in Boyertown, PA. Equitable Distribution, also known as “ED”, is the basic division of the assets and the debts that the couple have obtained through the period of their marriage. The first assets that comes under such a consideration is the house, and the question is who gets the ownership of the house after the divorce case has been settled.

All assets and debts that fall under this consideration are generally classified into two categories – marital and separate or divisible assets. For instance, suppose the wife had some debts before entering into the marriage, the husband can gain from bringing it up in front of the attorney mainly because this debt cannot be legally thrust on the husband, not even by the judge. The assets are assigned a dollar value based on the rate that it would get if it were sold in the open market at the time of the divorce in Boyertown, PA. Once, these have been added up, there will be an equal distribution. This means that if one of the spouses gets the house, the other is guaranteed to have a much lesser pay on the debt.

Your divorce attorney will also help you determine your contribution in Post Separation Support (PSS), however, it will be applicable only to those spouses who are dependent on the other. In case of a divorce where the wife is a housewife and is dependent on the husband’s income, the court will direct him to pay the wife a certain percent of his income after the divorce settlement.

Divorce Boyertown PA If you are looking for a divorce attorney in Boyertown, visit Boyd & Karver, they are professionals in divorce cases.

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