Know How to Wipe Macbook hard drive Permanently
Have you decided to sell or donate your Macbook? Mac always upgrade its OS and macbook version with added features and so many a time it happens that you want to upgrade your Macbook and sale the previous one. Before, selling the old Macbook, you must take concern about few important things. The most considerable thing is to wipe out all the significant data from hard disk before going if for the sale. If you have stored some financial details in the hard disk such as bank account details, passwords, credit card information, etc then make sure to wipe macbook harddrive carefully so that these crucial details get deleted permanently.
Here, the most important thing that is to be noticed is that when you manually delete any files form Mac hard-drive, it is not deleted permanently and is still remaining in the hard drive. The file system of hard drive uses unique entry in the file system for storing and manipulating every single files. When the user delete the files, the reference of the deleted files remains in the hard drive. Any technical person who have little knowledge of data recovery could easily recover the deleted data and may use it for their own benefits. So, instead of wipe macbook hard drive manually, you can take help of Disk utility to erase the hard-drive.
The Disk utility is a Inbuit tool offered in every version of Mac OS X to erase all kinds of Mac hard drive volume. However, it has been noticed that it fails to wipe certain selected files from hard drive due to its weak algorithm. Using Inbuilt wipe tool could be risky at time so it is better to use an automatic third party wipe mac utility. The professional tool has very powerful scanning algorithm and programming logics to wipe macbook hard drive very easily. It uses special random binary digits 0 and 1 technique to overwrite all kinds of data from the hard drive so that it could not be retrieved by any medium. So, use the automatic wipe harddrive tool to first your wipe your Macbook and then only sell or donate your Macbook to other.