Different Ways To Make Work Fun In Company

We all have to work so you might as well have fun at work, right? If working is routine, uncomplicated, then it becomes something we do not expect boring. That can lead to burnout, low output and even health problems.

Some managers, however, accustomed to a “not to mix business with pleasure” attitude, have a hard time buying into the value of humor. “You can not be serious?” is the incredulous response to the suggestion of lightening. And they are right. You can not be serious, at least not if you are interested in improving staff morale or motivate employees.

And if you wish for to spark originality, build teamwork, facilitate open communication, minimize stress levels, reduce employee turnover and absenteeism, improve trust between management and employees, providing customer service dynamic and improve productivity, then there can be serious. You can not be serious, because the humor and fun at work can help any organization achieve all these objectives.

Adding more fun at work employees is not standing around the water source sharing one liner. Having a sense of humor about having a sense of perception and the use of the ability to find humor in situations to handle stress and solve problems creatively. Adding humor is about celebrating the work, do not trivialize. And its humor, mixed in an appropriate way to improve productivity at work.

Here are a few “light guide” to help you manage to have more fun at work.

  • Take Yourself Lightly : – Many of us are victims of the dreadful disease “acute professionalism.” The symptoms include a furrowed brow, high levels of stress and block creativity. The cure is simple – learn to take lightly, while taking his job seriously. When you laugh at yourself, show your humanity and openness and encourage others to do the same. As an added bonus, you take away anyone’s ability to laugh at you.
  • Be Sincere. Dogs know when it is sincere, so there is a good chance that our employees will too. If you show up Monday morning with a transplanted character of Robin Williams, staff may be cynical about the newly discovered attempts to lighten the office environment. So be you. The practice of sharing his own brand of unique humor and just do what feels comfortable for you.
  • Think Small and Simple. The main factors contributing to the morale of the employees do not cost much or take a lot of energy, but are little things done on a consistent basis that the matter. So look for trouble-free prospects to introduce a little humor – put a humor bulletin board, create a room humor (Eastman Kodak and Hewlett Packard have them) include humorous quotes in correspondence and practice spontaneous humor (which, as comedians will tell you, is the most effective humor).
  • Practice Relevant Humor. The more you celebrate joking precise to your office, team or organization, the most significant is the mood. Reality learning and relevant work-related humor becomes part of the history of the company and helps teams to bond around shared experiences. Start collecting a file of humor, quotes, cartoons, funny customer questions and anecdotes that relate to your organization.
  • Practice Safe Humor. Humor can break down barriers as easily as it can build walls, so make sure that the style of humor that practice is “safe.” No sexist, non racist, non-religious humor is the order of the day. Also be aware of the times when the humor may not be appropriate. The safest form of humor? Laugh at yourself.

Anima Sharma is an experienced writer in Travel Industry and works for teamadventures.in, a leading travel industry in India. At present, he is writing on different topics like Team Simulation, Fun At Work, Adventure Training, Reality Learning and others. To find more info, please visit teamadventures.in

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