Records Management And Its Importance In Organization
Records management is very important for an organization especially with the emergence of ISO, AS and other certifications. It is not a simple job to properly maintain the records of an organization. Records management is the process of maintaining the records from the time at which it is created to the final disposition after its retention period. As mentioned above,records management is very important during ISO, AS audits since the retrieval time for the records are very less, Also it is very important that, no matured documents are kept after the retention period. Due to its importance, organizations are forced to post record manager to properly manage the records. A document management system consists of collection of computer system and related softwares to manage the documents in a systematic way. The documents can be stored in the system as per our requirement with the indexing system preferred by the organization.
The importance of managing records has given birth to electronic document imaging. Since, it is very difficult to keep hard copies of records, it is always better to keep the soft copies of records in the form of CDs, DVDs or Hard disks. This practice of keeping records in the form of soft copies is called electronic document imaging. Actually the records to be maintained in the organization for long time will be scanned and stored in suitable storage devices. This soft copy storage have got lot of advantages like easy accessibility, less retrieval time, space saving and other advantages like full text search. Also chance of loosing the documents and multiple person accessibility at the same time is other advantages of this electronic document imaging process. Once the documents has been converted into soft copies, then arises the need for properly manage these documents. Microfilm scanning is one of the emerging and most advances trend in the field of document imaging field. In this method, a microfilm scanner is used for scanning purpose at very high speed and resolution.
The important stored documents can be read by microfilm reader. This indexing system may be based on production order number or department wise etc. The greatest advantage on this system is the security level incorporated in it. Only the persons with proper authorization can use the documents since the documents are stored with security coding system. Another advantage of it is the minimized use of paper. The awareness of green revolution also contributed to the development of document storage electronically.
In order to properly manage the documents, there are lots of document management training programs conducted by various agencies. They help us to understand how we can properly manage the documents or records in this technological environment. Regardless of the media we are used like paper or electronic, digital or analog, liquid or solid, magnetic or optical, one should know how to manage the documents so that it can be beneficial for the company in the future. Also the document management training will give some brief idea about the management and retention of legally sound records.