Parenthood-Responsibilities of parents

Parenthood-Responsibilities of parents

The important role of success of a children is parenthood.Lot of child’s goes to evil because of taking no responsibilities of parents.When parents make proper responsibilities to go ahead for their child’s then in maximum case those child can success in their life.

When a child born, first responsibilities of parents for their children is to make proper carefulness of their children i.e to feed them proper way in everyday, fitness of them, make them neat & clean always, when a child cries, care them quickly and try to solve his problem may be give him food especially mother milk, or another soft liquid foods with vitamin & minerals. When they destroy their cloth clean quickly and wear him clean and new cloth.So be carefulness about this matter, maximum poisons come because of this matter. Such as Anemia, Asthma, Bronchiolitis, Cancer, Chagas disease, Croup, Diphtheria, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Influenza, Meningitis, Mumps, Pneumonia, Sever’s disease, Tetanus, Fever, Xerophthalmia and many others. So if you want to make him/her fit and escape from sickness you must take care your child.

When your child needs food you must provide him/her good and perfect food suitable for him/her,in this case you can take suggestions from any child specialist doctor. If a child does not get food on proper time their body parts will weak and many deceases will attract him.So to make him/her  proper fitness and strong then you must take care this point,this is your childhood.

To fit a children sometimes you must take him/her outside the home and breathe with fresh air especially during morning because in morning you can get clean and fresh air that is very useful & beneficial for human body not only for a child but also everybody.So walking in the morning with your child will keep you fit and strong and helps you to escape from many deceases like diabatis,high blood presser,brain stroke and many others.

When a child is on 1 years then you will teach him/her how to walk.So you must teach him/her walking practically,you can do this staying you with him/her and practice him to walk.Do this regularly,one time he/she will easily learn walking, be careful that his hands or legs will not be damaged.

When he/she learned walking properly then take him/her outside the home and try to practice him walking in the morning with you so it will be better and beneficial for him/her and if you practice this regularly then once your child will be strong and properly fitted because “Early to bed,early to rise ,makes a man healthy,wealthy & wise”.

When he learn to talk then start to teach him/her better & proper talking not evil and bad talks,so practice more to make your child an honest man.If you make him honest when he small, then he will be honest when he will be big and young.So  to make a child honest the main role is the childhood.

A very important thing is that when he/she is on 5/6 years then he/she will play with boys and girls of boys & girls with their same year.So you must very carefulness that they can’t play with bad boys and girls in your area anyway,if they start to play with bad boys and girls then it will be enough for them to enter in a evil life.

So the great role for success of a child is proper responsibility of his/her parents.Parents can make their children’s success and they can make their career.

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