Tebow owned by Brady. Patriots same the broncos.
Unfortunately for Tim Tebow it’s all over now. It really was no contest this last game. The Patriots came out and Tom Brady put out some serious passing power. It was hard to watch if you were a Broncos fan. Tom Brady kinda squashed the Broncos like a bug…
Broncos have traditionally never done that great if they get behind early on in the game. This game was no exception. Whatever thunder that Tim Tebow had was short and fast lived. Kinda reminds me of a sparkler. Really bright and really exciting for a moment and then over and done with. I wonder if his popularity will follow the same trend.
So what now for Denver? How does the City recover from backing this young quarter back and his faith. Does faith ever matter in a sports game? I wonder. I’m sure it does, maybe to just the players and maybe to the God they believe in. What is the message to Tim if this is the case. How will he be able to handle this next phase of being a superstar so quickly, not even winning a Superbowl.
Can he ever make a comeback? I think he can. He has proven to be able to live with a fairly visible humble record, so good on him for that. For now Tom Brady has stolen the show and rightfully so.
Tom will now become the new Tim Tebow. He’s a good looking guy and seems humble as well so I think he will also go far. The confidence of the Patriot team really was amazing and looked like how football should be played.
Best of luck next season Tim. I wonder if Elway will have the patience for another season…
Dustin Slade, Acupuncturist