One on one 70-680 Networking Interactive Training

To generate some activity, select Start Windows Meeting Space. Close Windows Meeting Space. Open Windows Meeting Space again and then close it. The first time you opened Windows Meeting Space, you should have seen a spike in the Memory > Pages/Sec counter and a much lower spike (if any) the second time you accessed Windows Meeting Space. This occurred because the application had to be retrieved from disk the first time you accessed it; the second time you accessed it, it was already in memory.

Note the Paging > % Usage counter. If this counter is below 70%, your system ccna exam is not using excessive paging. Note the Memory > Available MBytes counter. If this counter is above 20% of your installed memory, you should have sufficient RAM. Leave Reliability and Performance Monitor open, for use again in Exercise 11.2.

You are the system administrator of a large network. The accounting department has just started using a new accounting application that runs on the department manager’s local computer. The manager is complaining about the slowness of this application and says she needs a new computer.

You decide to use Performance Monitor to find out why her computer is responding so slowly. You see that the processor utilization is at 10% (low). You also can tell that the system is using excessive paging based on the Memory > Pages/Sec counter, currently showing at 25. Considering this information, you determine that for the accounting man- ager’s computer to work efficiently with the application, the computer needs a memory upgrade.

Performance Monitor helps you measure the performance of various parts of your system, allowing you to identify system bottlenecks scientifically.

Processor bottlenecks can develop when the threads of a process require more 70-680 processing cycles than are currently available. In this case, the process will wait in a processor queue and system responsiveness will be slower than if process requests could be immediately served. The most common causes of processor bottlenecks are processor-intensive applications and other subsystem components that generate excessive processor interrupts (for example, disk or net- work subsystems).

In a workstation environment, processors are usually not the source of bottlenecks. You should still monitor this subsystem to make sure that processor utilization is at an efficient level.

You can track processor utilization through the Processor and System objects to determine whether a processor bottleneck exists. The following are the three most important counters for monitoring the system processor:

Processor > % Processor Time Measures the time that the processor spends responding to system requests. If this value is consistently above an average of 85%, you may have a pro- cessor bottleneck. The Processor > % User Time and Processor > % Privileged Time counters combine to show the total % Processor Time counter. You can monitor these counters indi- vidually for more detail.

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