Some Study Guides for microsoft 70-680 – IT Pro Community banking institution

Phishing is a malicious attack where the attacker attempts to get you to reveal your personal or financial information via an e-mail message or by a seemingly innocuous website. Often, the attacker will send an e-mail message that appears to be from a banking institution or an online retail website indicating that you need to update your information on the sender’s site. The e-mail message typically contains a link to what appears to be the ccna exam website of a legitimate company asking for personal or financial information. However, the website is fraudulent and the personal information is then used for malicious purposes, such as identity theft. Phishing Filter is a feature of IE 7 that helps identify and notify you if you visit a site that is known to be or believed to be fraudulent. Phishing Filter provides protection against phish- ing attacks by comparing the visited site against a known list of legitimate sites, analyzing the site for known characteristics of fraudulent sites, and, if desired, sending the website informa- tion to Microsoft for further analysis.

Phishing Filter can be configured by opening IE, clicking Tools, and then clicking Phishing Filter. As you can see in Figure 9.13, several options are available on the Phishing Filter menu, including:

The Check This Website option sends the current website address to Microsoft to be checked against a list of known fraudulent websites. If the website is not known to be fraudulent, a mes- sage indicating that the website is not a reported phishing website is displayed. If you believe that the website is a phishing website, even though it’s not indicated as such, you can report the site by clicking the Report This Website option of the Phishing Filter menu. If you do not want website information to be automatically sent to Microsoft to be checked for phishing, then you should click the Turn Off Automatic Website Checking option of the Phishing Filter menu. This option will prevent information about websites from being automatically sent to Microsoft. By default, auto- matic website checking is disabled in Phishing Filter. Clicking the Phishing Filter Settings option of the Phishing Filter menu will open the Internet Options dialog box, as shown in Figure 9.14.

On the Advanced tab of the Internet Options dialog box, you can disable 70-680 Phishing Filter, or configure whether automatic website checking should be turned off or turned on. Once the Advanced tab of the Internet Options dialog box is open, you will need to scroll down to the Security area of the Settings list to modify Phishing Filter settings. In Exercise 9.5, you will enable automatic website checking in Phishing Filter.

Click Tools, expand Phishing Filter, and click Turn On Automatic Website Checking. Click Turn On Automatic Phishing Filter (recommended) in the Microsoft Phishing Filter dialog box.

Windows Vista provides improved Parental Controls that enable parents to monitor and con- trol their children’s computer behavior, including Internet browsing. Parental Controls enable parents to set limits on when the computer can be used, which programs can be run, which games can be played, and what websites can be viewed. Parental Controls are set on a per-user basis, so if more than one child accesses a computer, then you could provide each child with different access levels on that computer. When a user attempts to visit a website that is blocked by Parental Controls, a message is displayed indicating that the site has been blocked, and the user can request permission to the page or program.

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