Healing Ministries bring Liberty from Fear
The online healing ministry is a wonderful resource for easy to apply spiritual tools. It provides individuals of all ages with access to life-changing skills. Fear is a detrimental emotion that is plaguing individuals with emotional limitations along with sickness and disease. Stress is the number one culprit for sickness, and fear and stress are interrelated. This interrelation is toxic and can affect multiple aspects of life, including health. The opposite of faith is fear, or it can be seen that fear is faith for whatever is feared. Overcoming fear is possible through scripturally based training, which is available online through the Healing Ministry.
Multiple resources are provided free online including videos, testimonies and articles. Other resources are made affordable for everyone including a workbook, DVDs and seminars. Fear is only one aspect addressed through the online Christian ministries. They also address many other issues including addiction, anger, forgiveness, abuse and self-harm. The word of God is the foundation for all of these teachings; however, science also plays a role. Scientific evidence is used in the trainings to bring a correlation between toxic emotions and sickness. The teachings and resources are applicable for children, teens and adults. Adults can assist children in going through the workbook. Drawings and graphs are applicable for all age groups and provide easy to understand application. The tools for achieving freedom from fear are available through the Christian ministries.
Anxiety and stress are rooted in fear. Establishing healthy boundaries for emotions and receiving healing from past hurts and abuse can result in a transformed life. Individuals can step out of the clutches and boundaries created by fear. The ultimate freedom is provided through Jesus Christ, and faith in Jesus Christ is brought to a new level by these valuable resources. Overcoming phobias including the fear of falling, fear of rejection, fear of heights and fear of failure are achievable once and for all. Learn how to obey the Bible’s directive to fear not. Individuals can experience a lifetime of freedom after applying the easy to learn principles. Prayers are also included in the workbook for receiving deliverance from fear, depression, Self-hatred, stress and anxiety.