Symptoms And Treatment of Hypertension
Hypertension (HTN) or high blood pressure, sometimes called arterial hypertension, is a chronic medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is elevated. Hypertension is classified as either primary (essential) hypertension or secondary hypertension.
Primary hypertension
Primary (essential) hypertension is the most common form of hypertension. Blood pressure rises with aging and the risk of becoming hypertensive in later life is considerable. Hypertension results from a complex interaction of genes and environmental factors. Numerous common genes with small effects on blood pressure have been identified as well as some rare genes with large effects on blood pressure. But the genetic basis of hypertension is still poorly understood. Several environmental factors influence blood pressure.
Insulin resistance is also thought to contribute to hypertension. Recent studies have also implicated events in early life (for example low birth weight, maternal smoking and lack of breast feeding) as risk factors for adult essential hypertension, although the mechanisms linking these exposures to adult hypertension remain obscure.
Secondary hypertension
Secondary hypertension results from an identifiable cause. Renal disease is the most common secondary cause of hypertension. Hypertension can also be caused by endocrine conditions, such as Cushing’s syndrome, hypothyroidism, Conn’s syndrome, hyperparathyroidism. Other causes of secondary hypertension include obesity, sleep apnea, pregnancy, coarctation of the aorta, excessive liquorices consumption and certain prescription medicines, herbal remedies and illegal drugs.
There is no guarantee that a person with hypertension will present any symptoms of the condition. Uncomplicated high blood pressure usually occurs without any symptoms (silently) and so hypertension has been labeled “the silent killer.” It is called this because the disease can progress to finally develop any one or more of the several potentially fatal complications such as heart attacks or strokes. About 33% of people actually do not know that they have high blood pressure, and this ignorance can last for years.. For this reason, it is advisable to undergo periodic blood pressure screenings even when no symptoms are present.
Some people with uncomplicated hypertension, however, may experience symptoms such as:
• Headache,
• Dizziness,
• Shortness of breath,
• Blurred vision usually with blood pressure that is very high.
The presence of symptoms can be a good thing, so that, the person can consult a doctor for treatment and make them more compliant in taking their medications.
About 1% people with hypertension is diagnosed with severe high blood pressure (accelerated or malignant hypertension) at their first visit to the doctor. In these patients, the diastolic blood pressure exceeds 140 mm Hg! Affected persons often experience
• Severe headache.
• Nausea.
• Visual symptoms.
• Sometimes kidney failure.
Treatment of Hypertension:
The first line of treatment for hypertension is identical to the recommended preventative lifestyle changes and includes: dietary changes physical exercise, and weight loss. If hypertension is high enough to justify immediate use of medications, lifestyle changes are still recommended in conjunction with medication.
Also, the DASH diet, a diet rich in nuts, whole grains, fish, poultry, fruits and vegetables lowers blood pressure. A major feature of the plan is limiting intake of sodium, although the diet is also rich in potassium, magnesium, calcium, as well as protein.
Medication used to treat high blood pressure, includes:
• Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors
• Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs)
• Diuretics
• Beta-blockers
• Calcium channel blockers
• Alpha-blockers
• Alpha-agonists
• Renin inhibitors
• Combination medications
Diuretics are often recommended as the first line of therapy for most people who have high blood pressure.
However, your doctor may start a medicine other than a diuretic as the first line of therapy if you have certain medical problems. For example, ACE inhibitors are often a choice for a people with diabetes. If one drug doesn’t work or is disagreeable, other types of drugs are available.
If your blood pressure is more than 20/10 points higher than it should be, your doctor may consider starting you on two drugs or placing you on a combination drug.
This article has been written and posted by a health advisor working at, who also provides free of cost consultancy to patients and advise on various topics like causes of high blood pressure By visiting the site, you can read articles on Treatment of Hypertension and Symptoms of Hypertension.