What you did not know about shingles and genital herpes
It is often believed that the battle with the virus that causes chickenpox, leaves blisters on the skin, which keep on moving in the system for life and are never completely eliminated. This virus settles in specific nerve cells, which are responsible for relaying information in the body. When this virus reactivates itself, it moves down the nerve fibers and multiplies causing eruption of rashes and certain other symptoms, mainly of shingles. When an individual is suffering from shingles, he/she is more deeply involved in the symptoms, which are complex and severe.
The virus that causes shingles and chickenpox comes from a family of viruses known as herpes virus. It includes herpes simplex virus that causes mononucleosis, fever blisters, genital herpes, cold sores and other such problems that affect your general as well as sexual health. These virus reside in the nerves in a latent stage and renew themselves from time to time.
Varicella-zoster virus
The varicella-zoster virus is complex and to many it looks as if a mathematician has designed it. It is microscopic in nature and encased in a 20-sided geometric figure known as the icosahedron. Inside the complex icosahedron is the DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), the genetic material of the virus. Upon reactivation, the virus reproduces itself inside the nucleus of the cell that is infected.
It is widely known that chickenpox and shingles are health conditions that are caused by the same virus. The name of this virus is varicella-zoster. When an individual is exposed to this virus, generally as a child, a highly contagious disease chickenpox develops. Most of us experience it during our childhood.
How it starts
The infection begins in the upper part of the respiratory tract and this is where the virus reproduces in a period of 15 days or maybe more. After this, the virus spreads in the bloodstream and this gives rise to the familiar and irritating rash.
On the other hand, you cannot acquire shingles since the first requirement for catching shingles is that the person should already have the virus in their system. This virus only reactivates and causes shingles. Shingles is not contagious. Most often, the virus reactivates when the immune system is weak due to mental and physical exhaustion.
Risk for shingles
More than 10% of the adults are expected to get affected by shingles in their lives. This usually occurs after the age of 50 when the immune system is weak. Those who are affected by this virus once will not get affected by it again as they develop an immunity against it.
These days, it is possible to treat shingles and genital herpes by using effective medications. When herpes simplex virus type 1 lesions are in the vesicle stage, there is absolutely no benefit of taking acyclovir as a treatment. However, application of acyclovir cream around 5 times a day reduces the pain and duration of the outbreak. If you start using aciclovir as soon as you see symptoms, you can see a considerable reduction in the pain and healing time.