Vastu Shastra : A Science for Your Home

Vaastu Shastra is a traditional Hindu science that is used in architecture and town planning. The term ‘vastu’ is derived from Sanskrit ‘vasu’, meaning Earth and the word ‘shastra’ meaning ‘science’. This science describes the detailed methodology of designing and structuring buildings, buying land etc. for maximising benefits for the buyer, occupier. Vastu Shastra relies in harmonizing every real estate development with the five elements of Indian Mythology ie. air, water, earth, fire and space. The science is known to safeguard the health, wealth, prosperity and overall happiness and well being of individuals.

This traditional science has gained popularity in modern times and has become an essential parameter that is considered in real estate development, sale and purchase. Real estate buyers whether looking for industrial plots or residential plots, lands and built houses or corporate building stress on vastu while purchasing or renting real estate.

Since the principles of vastu shastra have evolved over years of experience of sages of India, they have proved to be very valuable for ensuring balance and harmony between man, nature and his buildings.

Vastu Tips while Constructing a New House:

  • Before starting the construction of the house, plot must be cleared of thorny bushes and plants. The trash and stones must be removed from the construction site.
  • Only new material should be used for the construction of the building.
  • Dig a well in N-E direction and use this ground water for the construction of the house.
  • There must be open space all around the building for proper flow of air and light.
  • Tree plantation in N-E corner should be avoided. Heavy trees must be grown on south, west or S-W side.
  • Windows and doors must be in north or east direction.
  • One must paint his/her house in light colors avoiding red and black for bringing prosperity.
  • There must not be 5 corners in the house and if you have fifth corner, then it must be on ishan side.
  • Doors must be opened at inner side of the house not at outer side as it brings luck and positive energy in the house.
  • Don’t bring disturbing piece of art like those depicting war and misery as it brings negative energy in the house.

Myths related to Vastushastra:

  • Vastu puja at home must be done.
  • Trees should not be there around the house.
  • Impression or shadow of tree should be totally avoided in any part of the house.

Thus, one must know that vastushastra is a science and not a deity and you must follow these simple steps to bring health, wealth and prosperity in the house.

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