The beauty of Amish woodworking

If you have a landscaping and garden then you have to be proud of, and you need a impressive way to share it with your friends and family members. A wooden gazebo is not only a charming place to relax but also it makes a beautiful addition to any garden landscape. Below are certain guidelines for the purpose.
Some initial materials you want for constructing a wooden gazebo are: wood, tape measure, landscape marking paint, saw, level, post-hole auger, concrete, roofing nails, joist hangers, decking screws, nails, hammer, sheathing, roofing shingles, stapler, roofing felt, roofing nails.
Constructing the foundation or base
o You can get a designer or design yourself. You can also take the help of several websites that offer design plans for free. Make sure to measure all the wood pieces.
o Cut the wood on your own or obtain precut wood from a local hardware store. Most hardware stores provide wood, either ready-to-use or cut, to fit the measurement you need. Measurement depends on the idea you have with you.
o Decide where to build the gazebo and after clearing the area of rocks or plants, measure the area to match the plan and outline the outer edge of the location with landscape marking paint. Excavate 30-inch holes for the pillars or posts, with a post-hole auger. The number of pillars or posts you use will match the number of sides to your wooden gazebo, which is usually eight or six.
o Position the posts in the holes and make it stable with premixed concrete. Use a level to fix it in proper angel. Before proceeding, allow the concrete to dry, which commonly takes at least 1 day.
o Set up the deck of the wooden gazebo by connecting the planks, using decking screws, for the frame of the deck outside of the posts and each plank must be in level.. Set up the vital base post and then the joists from the center to the exterior planks for the foundation of the deck, simultaneously checking all joist to be in same level and screwing them into the inside of the frame. Set up the deck floor after adding cross level support between the joists.
Constructing the roof of the wooden gazebo
o Choose where to put the staircase for the wooden gazebo, which can be constructed on any side. Give a proper base to the staircase with adequate concrete bar.
o Measure the array from one post to the post on the opposite side of the wooden gazebo. The roof rafters has to be half of its size. Fix cap plates on the top of the wooden gazebo posts. Make a truss by nailing two opposite rafters to the central hub of the roof. Lift the truss to the top point of the gazebo, position the truss in place using ropes or help and nail to the cap plates in the suitable posts. Attach every remaining rafter to the corresponding posts and hub.
o Once it’s fully solid, rise on the roof and set up groove sheathing and tongue on the rafters.

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