Interview: Questions and Answers

Imagine that you have already started the interview, the recruiter asks questions. What can I say, and what is not? Need to pursue two main objectives. First, give the interviewer the information that really interests him, not just because he leads and interview questions are not just. Secondly, we must seek to give them the information that will help get the job.

No matter, what traps you encounter, do not forget about their main task – to demonstrate their skills and personal qualities that correspond to the proposed post. Watching the interviewer, be prepared if necessary to make adjustments in their behavior. Keep calmness, composure, and do not forget the sense of humor. Humor – the best way from almost any situation.

Often provocative interview questions and answers are a blatant distortion of what you said. They are used to confuse and mislead the candidate. For example, the interviewer, conducting interviews, the question like this: “Tell me about yourself”, but after your story says: “Why did you come for an interview? After all, you do not meet the post! “.

Proper denial of such applications will significantly increase your chances of success. No need to resort to lengthy arguments – just say that what the interviewer is not true and you are ready to prove it with concrete examples. In this exercise restraint and do not rush to make their arguments. If you need proof – the interviewer asks very specific questions.

There are several varieties used in the job interview question, called a “very tricky”. For example, there are questions and traps. The interviewer may require lightning-fast answers to questions like: “Have you had to pay bribes for signing the contract?”. Avoid an immediate response. Resist the pressure of the interviewer, and just say that you need some time to think.
The fact that such questions during the interview cannot answer correctly, as any answer can be turned against you. Also known which option suits your future employers. You better just to declare the inadmissibility of such statements. For example, the question of bribery can be answered this way: “I do not want and will not answer this question because any answer can be used against me. Answering in the affirmative, I confess to a punishable act. If I say “no”, I can seem a liar or a fool.”

And most importantly – remember that once an employer sees that you are nervous or afraid to be interviewed. The only question is whether he properly understands your condition. So be collected, with a clear head and always answer honestly and thoughtfully. These are some interview tips, you can use while interviewing. Good luck!

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