Five Points about phosphate sustainable development

To meet the demand of agricultural development and solve the present contradiction in production capacity between supply and demand of phosphate rock, China will further deve-lop the production of phosphate rock. Moreover, with China’s entry into the WTO, the markets will be opened wider abroad and then China exports of phosphate rock will show a trend of increase. It is estimated that by 2000 China’s exports of phosphate rock will attain about 3 million tons.

In order for China’s phosphate rock mining to serve better the phosphate fertilizer industry and chemical industry for some longer time to come and achieve sustainable development, we will focus on the following objectives.

First, we will construct large-scale phosphate rock production bases into large-scale phosphorus chemical industrial bases to produce high-efficiency fertilizer and other phosphorus chemicals; thus the situation of transporting phosphate rock can be changed into that of transporting chemical products and economic returns of mine enterprises will be raised.

Second, we need to plan geological work in a rational way and continue to look for high-grade phosphate rocks in areas with good prospects. For example, efforts should be made to continue to look for open-cut weathering phosphate deposits around the Dianchi Lake and high-grade phosphate deposits in the surrounding areas of the Kaiyang and Wengfu mines, Guizhou, and in the Yichang and Baokang mineralization zones, Hubei. Meanwhile, we will speed up phosphate mineral exploration in the Dingdong ore zone, Yichang, Hubei, the Tongchanggeng mining area, Sichuan, and the Wangjiayuan mining area, Guizhou so as to furnish the reliable grounds for the construction of mines as rapidly as possible. We should continue to carry out reconnaissance operations and geological studies of apatite deposits hos-ted in basic-alkali rocks and look for Fanshan-type phosphate deposits.

Third, we must intensify researches on mining and dressing technologies and make full use of medium- and low-grade phosphate rock. To solve the problem of shortage of high-quality phosphate rock in China, it is necessary to intensify researches on mining and dressing technologies and make full use of medium- and low-grade phosphate rock besides intensifying geological work. In the future, in respect to mining and dressing of medium- and low-grade phosphate rock, we also need to intensify studies further, improve mining methods, simplify the technology of dressing, reduce costs and produce high-quality phosphate concentrates that conform with the requirements for the production of high-concentration compound phosphate fertilizer in relation to the cost and quality.Henan Hongxing Mining Machinery Co., Ltd is the professional manufacturer of complete sets of mining machinery, for example,spiral separator,vibratory feeder Welcome all of you to visit our official website.concentrator table price:

Fourth, we will strengthen the study of total uses of phosphate resources. China has abundant phosphate resources. Among all existing phosphate deposits found in China, over 1/3 contain more than ten useful elements such as uranium, iodine, iron, titanium and rare earth elements other than phosphorus. However, China’s phosphate resources are dominated by refractory phosphate. Although some high-grade phosphorite and weathered, low-magnesium phosphorite can be used as raw material of phosphate fertilizer through washing and wet screening and yield good economic returns, generally the phosphorite shows the following shortcomings: medium and low grades, high contents of impurities, complex dressing procedures, high production costs and low economic returns. So, in order to raise the economic effectiveness of dressing of phosphate rock and reduce the pollution of tails to the environment, we must intensify the study of recovery of useful elements from phosphate rock and pay attention to total uses of phosphate resources.

Fifth, we should attach importance to environmental protection and implement the strategy of sustainable development. Phosphate mines as sites of mining and processing phosphate resources will inevitably discharge considerable amounts of wastes and tails, accompanied by extensive surface collapse and soil erosion, while outputting phosphorus products. Therefore, a correct understanding of the influence of the influence of the development and utilization of phosphate resources on the ecological environment and correct handling of the relations between development and protection, destruction and rehabilitation, pollution and control are of major significance for the promotion of the mine protection and the sustainable development of mining and utilization of phosphate resources.

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