Splendid Champagne Diamonds to cherish life long

Champagne diamonds as the name indicates colored diamonds that are shady brown in color. Champagne diamonds are natural colored diamonds which are found only at few places around the world. They contain these natural colors due to the immense pressure and deformities under the earth’s surface. Champagne diamonds were first discovered in Argyle mine in Australia. These diamonds are also known as brown diamonds due to their light brown color. The colors of the champagne diamonds vary based on the impurities that are contained in it. Champagne diamonds are classified in Type II colored diamonds category.

Let us study the classification range of colored diamonds

The diamonds that contain external non diamonds sources or integrated impurities such as nitrogen or brown rock are classified in Type I colored diamonds category. Nitrogen is most common form of impurity that is readily found in colored diamonds. Nitrogen itself is also responsible for production of Yellow and Orange Diamonds.

The diamonds which are classified in Type II colored diamonds category are those diamonds that have a problem with the crystalline lattice. This deformation occurs during the course of the development of the diamond. Powerful pressure down the earth is also responsible for such deformation of the crystal lattice. This crystal lattice deformation in turn results in dispersing lights and thus creating red, pink brown and champagne diamonds as the final product.

Champagne diamonds are classified based on the intensity of the color scheme ranging from light champagne to rich cognac. These diamonds are the most valued due to their sparkling brown shades. Champagne diamonds are one of world most desirable colored gemstones.

Two of the most famous champagne diamonds in the world are The Earth Star and the Golden Jubilee. The massive 248.9 carats Earth Star diamond was cut into a bizarre 111.59 carat rich cognac pear shape.

The Earth Star is still one of the most significant diamonds of its category on the earth. The second that comes into the champagne diamonds category is the Jubilee diamond which has a yellow brown champagne shade color and is widely the most desirable and perceived diamond ever.

Champagne diamonds were initially discovered in Argyle mine in Australia so they are also popularly known as Argyle diamonds. As soon as they were discovered they were everywhere round the globe. These diamonds readily availability makes them more affordable when compared to whitish clear diamonds. They have now become an easy affor4dable alternative to white diamonds.

Since their discovery, the Argyle mine has been a primary source of champagne diamonds for thw worldwide jewelry market. The figures over the world show that 95% of the champagne diamonds for sale globally are derived from the Argyle mine in Australia. As increasing demand in the global markets the supplies are seemingly running out. And since no additional supply of the champagne diamonds has been discovered, the desire for champagnes keeps on increasing day by day. Increasing demand makes champagne diamonds more rare and expensive.

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