Best Ways for U.S. Citizens to Gain Overseas Employment

If you’re considering overseas employment, the process of obtaining a job and transitioning to a new location can be lengthy and overwhelming. United States’ citizens also face restrictions by other nations, especially in the European Union that require their citizens to be hired over foreigners, unless it’s for a specialized field. The best place to begin is to investigate countries that interest you or provide you with unique career development. The United States State Department website offers up to the minute information on the political situation in most nations. It also provides you with travel warnings, list of local embassies, and support the United States can provide you if you’re living or travelling in that region. The Library of Congress offers country studies that give detailed information on the political, economic, social, geographical, and climate on many countries.

There are a variety of overseas employment opportunities that allow United States citizens support and a clear mission. The State Department and Peace Corps are two of the most common ways Unites States citizens head abroad. The U.S. State Department regularly hires Civil Service employees, Foreign Service Officers, and Foreign Service Specialists. The process to apply for these jobs in lengthy and can take up to a year. Requirements vary by desired position, but all require testing, background checks, and applications. The State Department also provides information on teaching opportunities at international schools. Some of these schools may be associated with military bases, while others are strictly civilian positions. The Peace Corps mainly offers at least two-year commitments to those with training in the desired areas. Many of their missions go to rural, under-developed nations, especially in Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and Central and South America. The Peace Corps actively recruits recent college graduates, but there is no age limit, so anyone is welcome to apply. The Peace Corp also features an extensive application process and is limited in terms of the types of employment opportunities.

If you aren’t ready to commit to years abroad, there are several short term options. The process of applying for work permits and visas can be difficult, but there are organizations that can help. The International Educational Exchange Council promotes understanding through training programs. Their programs for people still in school and graduates, allows these people to work for around a year overseas in a variety of places. For Americans interested in working anywhere in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland or Wales, their BUNAC program can provide placement for up to a few months. Many other countries feature similar programs.

If you’re looking for more traditional jobs, especially in more developed locations, there are several international overseas databases available. However, be aware many of the jobs require you to pay your own relocation fees and navigate the nation’s visa process. These sites are updated daily and usually make special mention of the requirements needed to work in their nation. Be aware that many of these jobs require advanced language skills and other qualities in the person.

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