Expat China: A Land Of Wonder

If you are new to China, and come from foreign shores you my friend are what are referred to as an expat China. Living in this extremely controversial region is fraught with positives and negatives. In the interest of being fair, this article will highlight both.

The positives of the country are; it is one of the eldest surviving dynasties in the world with a history of wars, poverty, and dictatorial rule. Through it all, China has risen from the ashes, to become an economic super power. A rich history and culture very warm people in general and an innate ability to play by their own rules despite the eyes of the world being upon them.

If you like Chinese foods why not go right to the source? Their food is full of flavor and textures to be savored. If you like rice dishes, China has perfected thousands of wonderful variations. Did you know that the pizza was invented in China? Few do.

There is also a dark side to China that keeps people away from experiencing all its wonders, and perhaps justifiably. Firstly, it is one of the few remaining communist ruled countries in the world. This is not to say their political system is either correct or incorrect but perhaps out-dated given the state of the world today. Their political leaders often block websites from around the world and deny their population access to them as it does not conform to the Chinese ideals.

Every family in the country must follow what is referred to as the “One Child Policy”. Due to overpopulation the ruling powers of China have declared each family shall be restricted to one and only one child. This has resulted in the following an increase in forced abortions, an under reporting of children where parents are forced to hide children born after their first born, and female infanticide where mothers feel forced to kill their own children rather than face punishment by the state.

Perhaps the darkest period in recent history of China, took place on June 3 and into the early morning hours of June 4th 1989. Protestors and students gathered in Tiananmen Square, to rally against political censorship. In their view, China’s desire to keep their people cut off from the outside world was wrong. Soldiers were ordered to open fire into the crowd, and it is estimated four hundred to five hundred or perhaps many more people were shot dead in the streets. These numbers continue to grow as former student leaders, and eyewitnesses get more facts to the Western Media. Soldiers also opened fired on medical teams who came to help the wounded and save lives becoming casualties himself. Perhaps the most haunting image is of “Tank Man” where a single student held his ground in front of a group of advancing tanks thus stopping them in their tracks. Due to the nature of media in China it is unclear as to whether that brave student is still alive to this day.

Every country has up sides and down sides, but as you can see China’s dark sides delve deeper than others. China is still a country of beauty and wonder and if enjoyed by the cautious expat China, a true mystery of the orient.

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