Properties of sulfur in the works of God
1) There is an appreciable contrast between China’s sulfur resources and the world’s sulfur resources in respect to the structure. In the structure of the world’s sulfur resources, sulfur in oil and natural gas constitutes a large proportion and is the main source of sulfur. In contrast to the world’s sulfur resources, China’s oil is mostly low-sulfur and sour natural gas mainly occurs in a gas field in the vicinity of Weiyuan, Sichuan, and moreover the total sulfur resources in soil and gas account for only 0.12% of China’s sulfur potential resources. On the contrary, China’s pyrite resources rank first in the world, being by far more abundant than those in other countries in the world. Besides pyrite as an ore of sulfur alone and as a by-product in ores containing other metals, sulfur in coal measures also occurs in the form of pyrite. Only the three parts of pyrite contribute 83.4% of sulfur resources of China.
2) Various genetic types of sulfur deposits.On the basis of the origin of sulfur, sulfur deposits in China may fall into four major types: sedimentary pyrite deposits in coal-bearing or coal-barren strata, native sulfur and sour natural gas deposits in evaporate basins, continental volcanic-pneumato-hydrothermal deposits and submarine volcanic deposits. Of these, submarine volcanic deposits have great significance; the examples are large pyrite deposits such as the Dajiangping deposit, Guangdong, and the Dongshengmiao deposit, Inner Mongolia.
3) More high-grade ore and less low-grade ore.Up to 1996, China’s pyrite ore reserves reached 4.634 billion tons. The I-grade ore with the sulfur grade 35% accounts for 3.7% of the pyrite ore reserves only, that is to say, 96.3% of pyrite ore belongs to medium- and low-grade ores with 12 to 35% sulfur, of which the low-grade ore with 12 to 20% sulfur occupies a relatively large proportion. The average sulfur grade of the pyrite ore is 20%.
Fig. 4.5.1Distribution of sulfur deposits in ChinaHenan Hongxing Mining Machinery Co., Ltd is the professional manufacturer of complete sets of mining machinery, for example,classifiers,ore beneficiation Welcome all of you to visit our official website.cement equipment:
4) Presence of many useful components.Most of China’s pyrite deposits contain many useful components. For example, in skarn, hydrothermal and volcanic deposits, sulfur is associated with such base, noble and rare-dispersed elements as copper, lead, zinc, molybdenum, gold, silver, cobalt, gallium, selenium, tellurium, gadolinium, cadmium and tho-rium; in sedimentary deposits there are also such minerals as iron, manganese, coal, bauxite and clay in addition to pyrite. This condition is favorable for multi-purpose exploitation, recovery and utilization. Some ores contain slightly high contents of impurities such as arsenic and mercury, which are harmful to the production of sulfuric acid.
5) Poor production conditions.The great majority of China’s pyrite deposits need underground mining. Ore reserves suitable for underground mining account for about 65% of the total pyrite ore reserves, while the ore reserves that have good mining conditions and suitable for open-cut mining only about 15%. At present, only the pyrite ores at shallow parts of a few mining areas such as the Dajiangping mining area, Yunfu, Guangdong, the Hongyan mining area, Yingde, Guangdong, and the Mashan mining area, Anhui, can be open-cut-mined. About half of the by-product pyrite ores are suitable for open-cut mining.
6) Good dressibility.The principal pyrite ore dressing method used in China now is floatation, and in a few cases gravity dressing is also used. According to the dressing tests of pyrite ores from metamorphosed sedimentary, coal-measures sedimentary and hydrothermal fissure filling-replacement deposits, to concentrate pyrite ores into those with a sulfur grade greater than or equal to 35% is technically feasible and will yield good social and economic benefits, and meanwhile useful elements such as copper, gold and silver can also be recovered and transportation costs may be reduced.