Energy Saving Lights for a Better Tomorrow
The human race has had many milestone innovations throughout the history. One of them is electricity and innumerable items that run on electricity. It is almost impossible to imagine our lives without this energy, but the fact is that if we continue to use electricity at the present rate, we will run out of it very soon. To do our bit to save energy, reduce global warming and save a bit of money for ourselves, we need to consider energy saving bulbs. Following are some of the benefits of energy saving lights.
• Environment Friendly: The incandescent light bulbs which were traditionally invented produced greater amount of heat and carbon dioxide when they produced light. For this very reason they contributed to global warming in their own ways. Florescent light bulbs are cooler and produce very little amount of CO2. In the long run and in the global context, using energy bulbs proves to be a notable step towards saving the environment.
• Energy Efficient: As the florescent light bulbs are named as energy bulbs, they live up to it. According to studies, compact florescent light bulbs consume almost 60% less energy to produce same amount of light as a normal bulb. That’s why a saver bulb of 18W is sufficient to get the light as that of a 60W normal bulb. When florescent lighting is used on a large scale, you will see huge difference in energy consumption.
• Reduces Electricity Bill: The direct effect of energy saving can be seen on the electricity bill. When you install compact florescent lights in your house or office, within 3-6 months’ time there will be noticeable reduction in the amount. This saving through energy bulbs does not compromise on brightness or efficiency. Instead gives a good feeling of being environment friendly.
• Lasts longer: Apart from being energy efficient and money savers, the florescent light bulbs also have a longer life time. They are built to be stronger and run through with same efficiency for almost 3 times longer compared to the usual light bulbs. This means they are a long time investment which you can trust with. When used with proper care, the energy bulbs prove to be a very good economical and environment friendly option.
• All Purpose: When energy bulbs were first invented, their use was restricted to some extent. But with the modern means of manufacturing and use of technology, the present day florescent light bulbs can be used for any purpose. You will find compact florescent lights for both indoor and outdoor lighting, flood lights for streets, big areas, grounds and so on. There are energy bulbs of many capacities to suit your requirement of brightness. LEDs are a very popular form of energy bulbs which are used almost everywhere to decorate, brighten up and make the surroundings more colorful. Along with these there are dimmers and auto switch off options available as well. You can make the best use of energy saving lights by using the light fitting that are specially manufactured for them.
Energy Saver Lights provides qualified products bulbs and light bulb.