Expat Bahamas: Living the Life

For expats looking for a laid back lifestyle that revolves around island time, living in the Bahamas is a paradise. An extremely beautiful country consisting of over seven hundred islands situated on the Atlantic Ocean, it is home to a number of different geographical features. Some islands are green and forestry while others are rocks and barren.

As for the climate in the Bahamas, the islands are cooler than its neighboring Caribbean region. However, it is still known as being tropical. The more you move to the south in the island you go, the hotter it gets and the more arid the weather becomes, with an average of three hundred sunny days a year. As for rain, there are short bursts of heavy rainfall during the months of May through October, which end during winter months. The winters in the Bahamas rarely have low temperatures, usually ranging around twenty-seven Celsius.
The currency found in the Bahamas is the Bahamian dollar which has the same value as American currency. The cost of living is very expensive in the Bahamas because they import most of their goods including food, clothing, and appliances. The cost of buying these products is a lot higher than that of other manufacturing countries.

The hours for usual shops found in the Bahamas are from nine to five, Monday through Saturday. They are one of the last countries in the world that still close their shops on Sunday. Healthcare in the Bahamas is exceptional to that of other countries. There are many well-equipped hospitals that are staffed with excellent professionals. Hospitals are able to deal with almost every medical emergency that you may come across while living there. Medicine is of no shortage either and is easily obtainable. If you are living on one of the smaller islands, you will find yourself living near small clinics that are only open once or twice a day. You will need to go to the major islands to receive medical treatment for an emergency. This may be a draw back from some expat Bahamas.

Working in the Bahamas is fairly easy if you have a permit approved by the department of immigration. A company can approve you for a permit if no Bahamian has come forward for the open position. Unskilled workers can find jobs on farms or other menial jobs for about nine thousand to thirteen thousand dollars salary a year. Office workers and bank staff can make between twenty and twenty- five thousand a year. Senior executives can expect a salary up to one hundred thousand dollars or more a year. However, your salary will depend on your occupation, industry, and location. Skilled foreign workers get paid more than the average in the Bahamas.

The Bahamas is home to a number of different leisure activities. Water sports are extremely popular as well as tennis, fishing, and horseback riding. There are also a variation of clubs and other nightlife entertainment for those looking for nightlife as an expat Bahamas. There is truly something for everyone.

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