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When two people who are in love want to spend their lives together, complementary they choose to get married. Like any other relationship, marriages also face problems. And because of these problems, more and more marriages are giving in to divorce which is why arriage therapyis also gaining its popularity.

A broken marriage can be the result of a variety of reasons. Irreconcilable differences is one of the most frequent reasons why couples file for divorce.

Every married couple comes from two sets of families which means that their upbringing is dissimilar. And sometimes, things get more complex if the couples come from different religions or races.

Even small habits that annoy your spouse may lead to his or her decision to file for a divorce. These can be something as small as not putting the toilet seat up when the husband pees or something as big as differences in handling your finances. These irreconcilable differences can create incompatibility between the married couple.

Another common thing that leads to divorce is when the husband or wife gives into temptation. When the spouse discovers that his or her loved one has an affair, he or she will definitely feel betrayed. Trust, being an important part of a successfulmarriage will definitely be destroyed by an affair. And when your trust is betrayed, you will start thinking if your spouse really loves you or not.

Problems with communication are also one of the usual reasons that make couples file for divorce. The realities in life can get so overpowering that sometimes, a person may get too preoccupied with his or her work and other problems. Sometimes, coming home bone tired and cranky from work may cause you to easily get angry atyour spouse for no valid reason at all. Sometimes, you may even neglect your wedding anniversary or your spouse’s birthday because you were too busy with work.

These are only a few reasons why couples decide to file for divorce. And one of the ways that couples do in order to save their marriage is to attend marriage therapy. In marriage therapy, the couples will be seeking the services of a professional marriage counsellor who will help them identify the problem areas of their marriage and how to solve these.

The great thing with marriage therapy is that the counsellor is able to give the couples a different point of view as to what is really occurring in their marriage. The only usual problem with marriage therapy is that not all couples are willing to open up their deepest emotions and thoughts to a marriage counsellor. If one of you or your spouse is not really open to attending marriage therapy, this will not be a successful method in saving your marriage.

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