By opting for the Microsoft Certification Exam: Server Administrator certificate

Disk Cleanup A Windows Vista utility used to identify files that can be deleted to free addi- tional hard disk space. Disk Cleanup works by identifying temporary files, Internet cache files, and unnecessary program files. disk defragmentation The process of rearranging the existing files on a disk so that they are stored contiguously, which optimizes access to those files. Disk Defragmenter A Windows Vista utility that performs disk defragmentation. disk image (disk imaging) An exact duplicate of a hard disk, used for automated installa- tion. The disk image is copied from a reference computer that is configured in the same manner as the computers on which Windows Vista will be installed. Disk Management utility A Windows Vista graphical tool for managing disks, partitions, and volumes. disk partitioning The process of creating logical partitions on the physical hard drive. distribution server A network server that contains the Windows Vista image files to be used for distributing Windows Vista remotely. Clients can connect to the distribution server and install Windows Vista over the network. DNS See Domain Name System. Documents The default storage location for documents that are created. Each user has a unique Documents folder. domain In Microsoft networks, an arrangement of client and server computers referenced by a specific name that shares a single security permissions database. On the Internet, a domain is a named collection of hosts and subdomains, registered with a unique name by the InterNIC. domain name A name that identifies one or more IP addresses, such as Domain names are used in URLs to identify particular web hosts. Domain Name System (DNS) The TCP/IP network service that translates fully qualified domain names (or host names) into IP addresses. Domain Name System (DNS) server An Internet host dedicated to the function of trans- lating fully qualified domain names into IP addresses. domain user account A user account that is stored in the Windows 2000 Server or Win- dows Server 2003 Active Directory’s central database. A domain user account can provide a user with a single user account for a network. Also called an Active Directory user account. drive letter A single letter assigned as an abbreviation to a mass-storage volume available to a computer.

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