Treat Plantar Fasciitis and Achilles tendonitis Pain by Consulting Expert Orthodontics
It is not easy to deal with Plantar Fasciitis pain. A person suffering from Plantar Fasciitis or a painful heel problem experiences inflammation and pain on the underside of his/her foot heel. The pain is usually intense when you get up from bed in the morning or after you have enjoyed a long period of rest.
Plantar Fasciitis is caused due to abnormal pronation of the foot. People who are overweight or those who have suddenly gained a lot of weight can suffer from a stabbing foot heel pain. Even those who stand for a long durations, walk on hard surfaces or wear shoes that do not provide appropriate support to their foot can end up suffering from Plantar Fascia and Achilles tendon related problems.
Due to over-pronation the Plantar Fascia, which is basically a band of tissue under the foot, stretches and in turn causes inflammation, pain and irritation at the point where the fascia attaches to the heel bone. Many people also experience pain underneath their foot.
Usually when a person suffering from Plantar Fasciitis or Achilles tendonitis, takes rest (during sleep) the Plantar Fascia tightens and shortens. Later when they get up from bed all of a sudden, the weight that is applied rapidly to the foot causes them a lot of pain.
Those suffering from Plantar Fasciitis can consult leading and expert Orthotics in order to get rid of the pain and acquire proper treatment. Orthodontics use non-surgical methods to get rid of Plantar Fasciitis pain. However in cases where non-surgical methods fail to minimize the pain and treat the problem completely, they use surgical treatments as well.
Plantar Fasciitis can be treated by taking a lot of rest and avoiding prolonged periods of activity. In addition to this people suffering from foot heel pain should also avoid a lot of walking, sports and running. Many orthodontics also advice applying ice for about five minutes so that the inflammation in the foot cools down. People experiencing Plantar Fasciitis should also indulge in a lot of stretching exercises and should make an effort to reduce weight as much as possible. They can also invest in orthodontic shoes insert and insoles.
Suffering from Painful Heels? Contact James parker to find the some of the best orthodontics who can help you treat Plantar Fasciitis and Achilles tendonitis with ease!