All 30 Minute Workout Programs are not Created Equal: Look at Power Half Hour

The exciting trend in home workouts for everyday people is a hyper sensitivity to the total time that you will be expected to give towards the workout each day.

People are very busy. In many instancesthey have to get their workout in very early before they go to work, or in the evening very late after work and dinner has been made and often when the kids are all off to bed.

It comes down to an hour being about the absolute most you can have to appeal to many busy people. The amazingly popular Beach body program  P90X features high intensity workouts that  run about an hour apiece and a little longer with the power yoga.

This is often too long to for many people to work that hard.  Power Half Hour is an exciting alternative to P90X that promises similar transformational results, but through a 30 minute workout format.

Power Half Hour isn’t the only 30 minute workout (or some similarly timed workout format) on the market.  What makes it the best are two factors.

First, Power Half Hour has achieved results for users starting from no fitness background in 60 days that are the same as what you will see achieved in 90 with P90X.  We have all seen the before and after views for P90X.

This factor of huge fitness results made P90X. It is about meat and potatoes, not the garnish.

Well Power Half Hour can put you through a different 30 minute workout every day and get you to those levels too. It is a total program with powerful results.

The other 30 minute workouts out there can’t touch it for the level of total fitness and appearance results.

The other factor is that Power Half Hour brings so much more variation within the workout program than most of the other competitors out there. There are some 30 minute  workouts which are challenging to the same level to Power Half Hour.

The problem with those is you will likely get bored and there is no chance of repeat use, even if you make it through 1 round.

“Power and Shower in Less Than an Hour” is the Tony Horton motto for Power Half Hour. Yeah it is worth repeating that Tony is the creator and trainer in your Power Half Hour videos.

This is the celebrity trainer that you can hire for about $1000 or more an hour in real life. He’s right there coaching you for a fraction of that total amount.

You won’t find what Power Half Hour offers or guarantees in any other 30 minute workout in existence.



Cheryl Boswell is a writer and researcher on home fitness and health products. You can save time and money by getting FREE in depth news, features, and reviews on home exercise equipment, workout programs, health, and nutrition, including discounts and best prices at

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