How Bruce Borup Faces Corporate Challenges
With the many corporate challenges Bruce Borup faced in his career especially during the global recession that challenged international businesses and governments alike, he considers adaptive leadership just instrumental to the survival of a company, large-scale or small-scale.
Coming from a nation divergent for its rich traditions and perceptive economy, Bruce Borup received the best education. He completed high school at the esteemed Tiffin Grammar at Kingston Surrey, United Kingdom. After graduation, he attended law school at the Anglia Ruskin University at Chelmsford Essex. He furthered his education by completing his Master’s degree in Marketing and Doctorate degree in Business Administration at the Southwest University. Having completed his education with flying colors, he joined some of the leading companies in a massive classification of industries such as CFC and Berkeley Bionics. Today, Borup is currently the Chief Executive Officer at the renowned GSC Capital, LLC. When sufficient opportunity arises, Bruce Borup dedicates part of his time in philanthropic activities, which are aimed at advancing the socio-economic conditions of less privileged individuals and communities.
He is basically a well-traveled business magnate, and Bruce Borup enjoys traveling both for business and for leisure. He is quite fond of rock and other popular music. He has often mentioned “Red” as his favorite film and Pacal’s “Surfing the Edge of Chaos” as his favorite book. His broad experience of singlehandedly managing large-scale corporations and steering the wheel through many obstacles such as the global recession has contributed to his belief that employing adaptive leadership is the magic password to an organization’s survival.
According to Bruce Borup the determining factors with respect to developing and implementing strategies include keeping the organization towards one direction, constantly inspiring its members to step out of the comfort zone, assimilate and optimize feedback by employing them in the expansion of strategies that would improve operations and map out a competitive environment design that devises the organization’s internal and external progress. It is indispensable to note that every company is part of a global market with which it invariably interacts with. With his concentrated entrepreneurial and managerial experience, he has worked with some of the most esteemed companies in diversified industries.
In his “Ruminations on Strategy,” Bruce Borup cites a number of ways an adaptive form of leadership like communicating the importance of the adaptive challenge, establishing a extensive understanding of the state of affairs creating the problem, to elucidate why traditional solutions won’t work and holding the stress in play until revolutionary leaders come forward with solutions by making room for genetic diversity.