Public Belief on Occupy Wall Street vs Tea Party
Before making a comparison between the Occupy Wall Street and the Tea party, it is important to look into all the details. The Occupy Wall Street in New York City on September 2011 was a protest rally demanding for that fair and equal distribution of the roles for the American people which has been concentrated on the richer communities of the US. The reason was the inequality of wealth between the wealthiest people from the country, and the rest of the citizens.
The people within the Tea party Movement call themselves as Republicans, and they’re a conservative groups demanding the cutting of taxes from the government. However, there was the Boston tea party in the beginning, which turned in to the fashionable one, which is somewhat different from the previous one. With all efforts at covering the true situation the Tea Party Movement is referred to as the Tea Party Racism.
Now talking about Occupy Wall Street vs Tea Party, lots of people are of the opinion that there should be no comparison between the two. However when we compare we see the similarities and the differences. The only similarity that may be discerned from both the occupy Wall Street and Tea party is the fight for power, the previous for the working class while the latter to safeguard the wealthy. The tea party, who are often referred to as racist, are recognized to raise voice against the government, which has not been noticed by the Occupy Wall Street.
From the point of view of the public, Occupy Wall Street is a protest for the working class in order to gain equality in their job opportunities. The occupy Wall Street was to point out that the wealth of the US is unevenly distributed with only 1% of the population holding most of the wealth. The protest was to point to the fact that the corporate world is reaping all the benefits while the working class continues to suffer. This just means that the corporate world is getting all the favors while the working class continue to suffer.
The composition of the Occupy Wall Street is made up of 70% of the independent working class. On the other hand, the Tea Party cannot be considered independent as they are composed by a majority of Republicans. The Tea Party is opposing the amount of taxes imposed on the wealthy.
The Occupy Wall Street is a movement that has caught the attention of the American public since the ideas are the very thoughts of many citizens; however, it cannot be denied that some of the protests have gone too far. The Tea party, in the other hand are the protestors who move on streets, protest and then return home.
Public Belief on Occupy Wall Street vs Tea Party
As the US elections near, many of the previous year’s political events will find themselves back in the conversation. Many Occupy Wall Street vs Tea Party comparisons will be drawn. The question of Tea Party Racism will probably resurface. These two movements have both shaped political discourse in the US. Their effect on the 2012 election remains to be seen.